
With 3 people and 5 pets how many hours should I clean each week?

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I also handwash dishes since the dishwasher is not working properly, and I prefer to not waste water.




  1. I have 4 ppl and a dog and I do a little every day. For more help and tips try

    Awesome site that will help you stay on top of things.

  2. If you keep the pets outside cleaning them would not be often. Just keep them without fleas. As for three people,  everyone should bathe at least once daily! All the other cleaning would be dependent on how well everyone put their things away and how dirty their clothes are. Sweeping and mopping depends on how much dirt is brought into he house.

  3. it's not the quantity of time you spend cleaning but the quality of the time you spend.  as long as you are thorough, time should not be a factor.

  4. about a third of the time that it would take you if it were you alone with 5 pets.. get them off their duffs.. and get working too... every day, if you just do it.. you should be able to keep things up once done in approximately 3 to 4 hours.. depending on the ages of the people.. and if you have washing machin and dryer in your place...

  5. I have 7 dogs and I often clean them every week because they are outside so the best thing to do is put your pets outside and beside them put a box with newspaper so they can p**p and pi there. Cleaning the pets should take you like 30 min. to 45 min. because you have 5 pets. You can put up a chart for who is doing the dishes and who is cleaning the pets each day. Exp: Monday-John Tuesday-Maria Wednesday-Linda etc.etc.etc. so on well hope it helps you somehow! Oh and by the way if your family is only three people you will take like 10 min. to wash the dishes and at last it is only about one hour to clean your pets and do the dishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : - )

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