
With 600 new jobs now available in MS, how will this affect their economy?

by Guest31811  |  earlier

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Is this a large enough number of jobs available to citizens in an impoverished area enough to make any kind of real impact on their economy?




  1. Those 600 jobs will go to the legal local people.  That means that the dollars earned there will circulate with in that community, instead of being shipped else where.   That contributes to the local economy.

  2. You build the economy from the smallest to the biggest...not from top to bottom.  Yes, it will make a difference.  More jobs equals more production and lower prices.  Eventually, if the economy stays stable enough, the new jobs will multiply and strengthen the economy and markets even more.

  3. It will have a positive impact.  600 Americans and legal immigrants now have a shot at jobs that were taken by 600 illegals (probably off the books, or not at a liveable wage).

    It has to help those 600 Americans and legal immigrants better themselves, maybe get off welfare, etc.

  4. It will affect their economy negatively and all the other states that buy products from that company. Why? because the people that lined up aren't going to work for the same pay the illegals were working, so that means that the company will lose money waiting for people to work at that pay, or be forced to pay them more, and that will cause the company to have to raise the prices of their product. Getting rid of the illegals is really going to hurt the tiny town. That's almost 600 tax payers, consumers and hard workers off the street. I don't think another 600 people will be moving there anytime soon to make up for that money lost.

    It is a TINY TOWN, so the residents didn't have much choice of where to go for work.

  5. Are you talking about Mississippi.I am from Mississippi and I had to move here to Los Angeles just to find work.Spread your wings.

  6. Any jobs would improve someones economy. 600 in a small community is a godsend to the under or unemployed I'm sure.

  7. American citizens, some coming from as far as 50 miles away, were lined up around the factory yesterday hoping to apply for a job.

  8. Can't hurt!  Way to go Mississippi!

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