
With America the worlds largest market in Recession, Isn't the next step World Recession ??

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Since Big Businesses Greed, has wrought America to the brink of economic disaster,,what will it take to regain the status of the economy? And digging more oil wells or starting up new refinereries will take at least 5yrs to bring on line..Isn't it as America goes,,so goes the world??




  1. With America in recession, the other countries will surely follow.

    As far as the politicians go, Ron Paul in my opinion is the ONLY candidate that can help turn this country around.

    If you've never heard of Ron Paul, there's a reason.

    The media DOES NOT want him to get into the white house.

    Google Ron Paul if you are interested.

    I just finished reading his book "The Revolution"


  2. I don't know... I really think we are becoming less important.

    Our dollar is weak, our stupid drawn-out Iraq war is making us look bad, and our policies on a lot of things, like environment, are outdated.

    But that's just the vibe I get- I don't have much to back it up as far as sources.

    interesting question! let's make a million greed-hating babies, Solomon : )

  3. what recession?  We're not in a recession.

    Unemployment is at an all time low (more people are employed today than at anytime in the history of US); GDP is at an all time high and growing;

    The world economy has grown to gargantuan proportions.  World poverty is at the lowest level in the history of mankind;

    Technology has opened up the entire world, right down to the most remote places.  Crime rates are at it's lowest ever in history.

    Big Business has done such a good job that hundreds of millions of Americans and millions of immigrants are gainfully employed.

    The middle class in the USA is at an all time high, 70% of all people own their own home.

    The USA has the largest economy, accounting for (between) 20 to 30% of all economies on earth.

    The USA has gone global by increasing the entire World Pie of Gross Domestic Product.

    All of this was accomplished by "Big Bad Business."  You should be in awe just to be living amongst these giants.

    Digging more oil wells!?  Ever hear of supply and demand?  Adam Smiths invisible hand?

    Your ignorance is pathetic.

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