
With Bush being the least popular President of all time how is it possible.......?

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that Obama is only up by a couple of points. The Democratic nominee should be up 15 to 20 points easily.

I believe the media elected the weakest candidate and gave the Republicans a huge gift.

Any other thoughts why this race is so close.




  1. Because Obama is part of the worst Congress in our history.

  2. It is not as close as you think, check some of the electoral prediction maps and also polls in some of the key states.

  3. Many people are not ready to take an extreme left simply because the right didn't work out the past eight years. Obama is a weak canidate, that's for certain.

  4. Read books by the following authors:

    Noam Chompsky, Howard Zinn, Greg Palast, Thom Hartmann, Larry Flynt (s*x Lies and Politics, the Naked Truth) and Ralph Nader (The Good Fight) and recent books by John Dean (of Watergate).  

    You will see that we really have a "failed state" of democracy.

  5. Doesn't say much about McCain that he's losing to a first-term Senator

  6. You're telling me!! All the media ever says is that the two are so close and how Hussein is doing such a great job..... but hes not!!

    The dems are loosing this thing and they know it too!! Don't be led falsely to believe that things are working out so good for the great saviour, Obama.  

  7. Because Bush is not running this year.

  8. Please don't tell me your source is CNN?  Or do you have a source?  The media expected him to win based on his Community Organizing skills.

  9. Bush is the most unpopular yet there are still people who want to continue his policies. Conclusion: There are stupid people in this world.

  10. The last two races were close. Nothing has changed. Dems need to change their stratergy

  11. The media did not elect this weak candidate. You did. He's yours, and we in the republican party are glad of it. Merry Christmas.

  12. Simply because Bush is not running again. The dems never get that. Then you have the media mostly trying to get Obama elected instead of doing their job and reporting and letting the voters get to decide. The media is what has been hurting Obama more than anything. The act like a couple of babies fighting over a toy.

    McCain did get a good VP choice as someone not a part of Washington. McCain does have a record that many of us Republicans do not like, but he was usually right on the issues looking back.

    Obama did not pick Hillary.

  13. President George Bush was admittedly not the Most popular in the eyes of Many but there were significant Numbers of People who would have believed differently . He certainly had the Guts to tackle those he believed were a threat. Those people still are a threat ,and events might still forgive him for his undiplomatic approaches.

  14. It's a testimony to the stupidity of the republicans and their voters

  15. Not really , the only candidate to get a 16-point lead was Bill Clinton , most dems usually get a 8-10 point lead , Obama is only slightly behind  1or 2 points .

  16. CBS says they are even.

    You also have to look at how unpopular congress is.  Congress is even less popular than Bush.  And Obama is part of that unpopular congress.

  17. I think people really wanted Obama to choose Hillary as a running mate. I think Obama realizes he could not work with Hillary and despises Bill so I understand why he didnt. Obama tends to have good speeches that lack any real substance. I think people realize that McCain is more of a moderate and differs quite a bit from Bush. I think McCain chose a exciting VP in comparison with Biden who has been around forever. Ithink I am voting for McCain!

  18. McCain has done a good job distancing himself from Bush and didn't even invite him to be at the convention in person.

    I think Lincoln holds the distinction of least popular president.

  19. I think perhaps many people feel like I do.  I would be pleased to have a black or mixed-race President, I can have a Democratic president, I do want change . . . . .  BUT . . . .

    Obama is a great unknown and the "mysteries" surrounding him cause me alarm.  Yes, he is brilliant and a good speech giver, but what's he really like?  Not enough known about him to put me at ease.

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