
With Doug Howlett moving to munster are people worried about the massive drain of player moving from SH to NH.

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With Doug Howlett moving to munster are people worried about the massive drain of player moving from SH to NH.




  1. Good question mate. Hard to answer. Traditionally the big money lures from the NH have been reserved for players in their twilight years - not exactly at the peak of their powers but full of experience, knowledge and limitless pastoral care skills. Losing guys like Larkham to some shody bankrupt Scottish outfit must outrage some Australians. And it's not just the British and Republic of Ireland clubs that snag the players, Japan gets their fare share too. I think a lot of clubs really miss the presence of the experienced guys and when the players do stick around the difference is noticeable.

    A case in point would be the Canterbury Crusaders being able to keep hold of guys like Kaleb Ralph. Big ups to Ralphy for staying put and loving the game more than the dollars.

    That might sound a bit harsh to the guys leaving, but I reckon its true for some. Not all, but some - and fair enough - make a buck if you can.

    There is a new trend down under that I find interesting. Younger, less experienced guys are starting to pack their bags. Some say they are hurting their careers by moving. I say good luck to them. What's the point of being a crash hot sports person if you can't live a full life and enjoy the broad life experiences that the world has to offer? If I was McAlister and all my mates were over In the UK living large and having fun - I think I would wanna be there - your career shouldn't hold you back, especially if you are pretty good at what you do.

    I think the new trend of younger guys leaving will just grow and that's sweet - I just hope the buggers find their way back before the next world cup!

  2. Not at New Zealand we have talent coming out of our ears.Good on douggie for going,hes put his body on the line for Auckland and the AllBlacks for years and deserves evey thing thats coming to him eg,money a more relaxed enviornment plus it would boost Munster with more supporters having an AllBlack.Caleb Ralph ,Canterbury can have him he would of stood out overseas but staying in NZ he will be warming the bench soon

  3. It sucks that so many are going, since it is just for the money, but it is their jobs, their livelihood so no one can blame them.  The horrible set up in Europe is to blame.  With the clubs signing all the players, there is nothing the national bodies can do.  

    I can see it falling apart when something major happens.  Either a club is going to start holding players out of national games, or the national unions are going to unite to put limits on the amount of foreigners because local players will be missing out and the national teams will suffer.

    England are the biggest union there so maybe failing to make it out of the pool stages in 2011/2015 will give them the kick in the rear they need!!!  Although they haven't come close to learning that in Soccer, so maybe never!!!

    Most of the players leaving are the older ones anyways, they've paid their dues and should be entitled to go.  I noticed a lot of the younger ones have only signed 2 year deals though... may be the optimist in me but maybe they are planning on making a lot of cash for 2 seasons, and then come home for a couple to give them a chance to make the cup in 2011.

  4. Its not too much of a problem when you get players like Doug Howlett heading overseas, they are in the twilight of their careers.  

    But when you start getting All Blacks in their mid 20s heading overseas it is a worry.  

    In a lot of ways playing in a world cup seems to have more importance now than playing for your country year in and year out.  Look at how many players are heading overseas after the world cup on 2-3 year contracts.  Will they be back in NZ in 3 years time for another crack at the world cup squad?  I think so.

  5. It's unfortunate that so many SH players are leaving (as a "Bok supporter it does suck that after the WC, half the team will be playing overseas).

    That being said, you can't blame them for leaving. Rugby is the their profession, and like any profession, you need to maximise your earnings and by going overseas and earning Pounds and Euros, that's exactly what you're doing.

  6. Nope, not at all.

    For every AB there's like 2 18yr olds coming through!!

    Eur is like a retirement place for our players.  Mega bucks and a slower game so no hard feelings as it's a wise move on their part.

  7. Not worried at all. We had a wave of players leave after 1997 and we went through a loosing streak for a year. But apart from that NZ has the depth to cope. Doug Howlett won't be too much of a loss when we can pick from Sivivatu, Joe, Rico etc etc on the wings, and Brendan will replace Byron.

    These are examples, and if you look at players in the 'junior ABs' and NZ Maori side, many of them would be able to slot in the black jersey and not go too badly.

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