
With Elitist Mccain's Campaign going dirty why doesnt OBAMA go on the OFFENSIVE?

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Mccain is running a negative campaign and gaining points because uneducated people are easily scared. He is using hillary against him in tv ads which we all know everyone talked bad about other candidates during the primaries. We can even find sound bites about romney talking smack about mccain.

So we all know OBAMA has the moral high ground because he doesnt run a negative campaign but isnt it hurting him? why doesnt he go on the offensive before these smears "swiftboat" him?


P.S. all offensive answers/rants will receive a quick thumbs down and wont be read or responded to by me




  1. Although McCain was able to use Clinton, Paris, and Brittany in his recent ads, the Dems have to delay their attack ads depending on whom McCain selects as his VP nominee.  Just wait until Biden speaks tonight.  The gloves will be off.  

  2. It's on it's way in many forms. I think it will begin tonight.

  3. The democratic party and his VP will go on the offensive, he isn't going to stoop to that level unless he has to.

  4. McCain's platform is "I'm a former POW".

    He is desperate, and desperate candidates go negative, even after vowing to conduct an "honorable" campaign.

    Obama is not desperate. He simply needs to solidify his support and win the election.

    ["Please have no doubt, we're the underdog in this race, we will be the underdog until the polls close, and we will have a tough headwind in this race," McCain said.]

    Even though the polls are basically neck and neck, McCain continues to claim underdog status to justify his negative ads.

    How Bush-esque.

  5. They had better do something now to protect themselves against the new rebuilt VP Cheney.  They have installed ORATION powers so that when he SPEAKS, his words are beyond rebuke.  

  6. I want to see him slam McSame when he speaks on Thursday.   It's time to take the gloves off.

  7. The young Obama to take on the elderly McCain would be an unfair match. Sen. Obama could not win! The sympathy and the pity will be on the ol'Man McCain.

    Let McCain count his blessings, wives and homes and I hope Sen. Obama reminds us all to have compassion for the ol'man. In time, we all will get to be old, and few of us will have two wives and seven homes, or is it the other way around? You think McCain might join the FLDS, that is the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, they believe in polygamy and John could put his seven homes to good use, what do you think? Will he go for it, or is he too old for that? Perhaps, Mitt Romney could advise him on that.

  8. Ads like these just reinforce the facts that Obama is inexperienced and dangerous for america.

  9. I think he will run an openly negative campaign later. For now, he is concentrating on legal maneuvers such as threatening TV stations with legal and criminal action. Also, bringing Biden in is seen by many as a way to unleash strong attacks while personally remaining above it. Biden will go on the offensive for the ticket, leaving Obama free and clear.

    One thing I should point out, the swiftboat attacks were so effective not so much for their content, but for the way they were responded to by the Kerry campaign. Kerry's team went after the swiftboaters on a personal basis instead of countering the content of their message. In order for Obama to effectively counter any attack by McCain or his supporters, he must counter the claim being made. Just going after the speaker personally will only reinforce the perception that maybe they have a point.

  10. Why wouldn't McCain use the words Obama's fellow democrats said about him?  That's not negative; it's opportunistic.

    Obama can't figure out how to criticize McCain, and that's why democrats pretend that Bush is running opposite Obama.

  11. How will you know it is offensive if you do not read it. It is not offensive if you are stating facts. What is being said can be answered in a positive way if one wants to answer the comments. Being negative is not a good thing but it can get people to think and decide for themselves what the truth is. Peace

  12. LOL. Using their own words against them is a smear!?  Sounds like doublespeak to me.

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