
With Games Cancelled till Mid-January, Will There Be a Season after That –NHL Special

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With Games Cancelled till Mid-January, Will There Be a Season after That –NHL Special
With fresh cancellations of the 2012-2013 National Hockey League (NHL) regular season that have killed off all games through January 14th, fans are now just waiting on another announcement that will most probably just bring the entire hockey year
to an end.
Surprisingly, it has now gotten to the point where fans, through their expressions on various social media websites like Twitter and Facebook, are hoping that either the season be entirely cancelled or given a kick start instead of having to wait and wait
each and every week for the latest updates.
Both the NHL and Players’ Association do not have answers and with December nearly over and less than a month remaining in what most term to be ‘the final deadline’ it is definitely hard seeing anything significant coming out till than unless something miraculous
comes about.
“You're looking at the middle of January [as] the date this needs to be resolved,” NHL Deputy Commissioner, Bill Daly, said in an interview on an Edmonton radio station. “I'm committed to doing it.”
With over three months now gone ever since the previous collective bargaining agreement came to an end on September 15, 2012, many milestones have been reached over what a new labour deal may look like, but after every move that gave fans a new ray of hope,
deadlock followed closely behind.
Players have now voted to decertify the union, which may allow the labour side of the negotiation process to try something new. Learning a lesson from the National Basketball Association (NBA) and how they did the same to bring the work stoppage to an end,
the NHLers are most likely gearing up to approach the court and demand compensation for damages faced up until now.
Games lost through January 14th means that over 600 games have been cancelled up until now and half of the regular season has already been axed. There is no telling what might go on in the next couple of days seeing how both sides are practically
on the edge in order to bring a labour deal on the table and get some hockey going again.
What fans can do now is either find an alternative for their hockey fix by following the minor leagues and foreign teams abroad, but those that cannot do without the NHL, hope and praying is what will keep their excitement alive.
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy. 




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