
With Gas prices being high whats better?

by  |  earlier

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i think ima get a bus pass....Has anybody gotten to that point?







  2. Move to mars before the government gets there and screws it all up.

  3. I use to own a business in the auto industry. When 9/11 happened I saw the future and I saw the bottom falling out just like we are seeing.

    Being a car guy and coming from a car family, I had a lot of hard thinking to do of what the future held.

    right off I knew anything "gas powered" was not the way to go. even motorcycle for when gas gets to $15 a gallon, even that will seem insane. And yes, it will hit $15 sooner than most realize.

    you can look to green fuels, used oil as a fuel, e-85 type fuels. but those are very limited and as the demand grows for them, they will be all used up and their prices will go as high as gas as well. and this is already predicted from the 70's and 80's of what they call the oil chart.

    so you are now left up with city transportation, subway, train, bicycle or walking. being that I don't live in the city to have subway nor a train. and since bus is "gas powered" or even "green powered" it too will be too expensive to use. so why go from one bad habit to another, just to have to change again in say a year or two. I have heard others say a bus pas is like $200 for the month. But what happens when gas is $15 and that pass is now $450?

    So I came up to the only conclusion I could come up with. What is the one item that can move me from point A to point B. Is legal on the streets. Costs as little as possible to fuel. And can haul what I need from say the store or what not.

    Well there is only 1 logical choice. A horse.

    1. a horse takes grass not gas, grass is free

    2. a horse will out do any 4x4, hummer or motorcycle

    3. a horse is legal on all streets except freeways

    4. it is legal to ride a horse in town and tie it up at the stores

    5. saddle bags or a horse cart can be used to haul items

    Being that I am a "car guy" I am now becoming a "horse guy". For I easily see that as the next major transporation item once again. Might not be tomorrow or even 3 yrs from now. But it will be within less than 10 yrs. For it will take that long for the masses to spend their money and work through all I did on paper. For they will look to the corporations for the answers, when they need to figure them up for themselves.

    Oh and to totally off set the cost of the horse, stable fee's, feed, etc. I put in 10-12 hours a week at the stables doing work in turn my horse lives there for free. So now my "car" so to speak, is 100% free. As I rotate the tires myself (trim the hooves).

  4. I don't live in a major city so my best bet would be to walk

  5. Gotta say I like the horse answer.  That's exactly what happened in some parts of Cuba after the USSR collapse.

    A bicycle is also a good solution.  I'm not quite there yet, but I did buy a motorcycle so I can use it sometimes instead of my car.  I also live in a place that does not have very good transit, and it rains alot, so I am still pretty addicted to my car.

  6. Well, the horse thing is a little bit too wild for me, but now i just walk, use the metrolink, and use the bus when needed.

    I found that by walking, i was healtier, but also, i only had to drive about 3 times a month, which saved me about 70 bucks in gas every two weeks.

    Also, i found that using the bus is alot more convienent. I can grab my starbucks across the street, and sit at the bus stop and listen to my iPod instead of drivnig through all that traffic.

    The metrolink is the BEST way though. I mean, from the inland valley to LA for a couple of bucks? without traffic, without all that money blown off in gas.

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