
With Gov. Palin facing potential TrooperGate impeachment charges in Alaska, will McCain fall with her?

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With Gov. Palin facing potential TrooperGate impeachment charges in Alaska, will McCain fall with her?




  1. I would normally say that it would be quite likely, but apparently you can be so incompetent as to accidentally shoot someone in the face (i won't even mention his life or career or politics...) and Republicans will still back them like the second coming.

    That being said, it could be the final bit of evidence that McCain looked over a slippery slope (choosing Palin possibly for no other reason than the fact that she's a woman and didn't find her objectionable on their ONE encounter) and decided it would be worth it to close his eyes and jump off just to see how far it would get him.

    This election is too unique to guess!

  2. Very likely.

    Take care, the McCain Zombies have been filing complaints about questions concerning Palin's ethics and legal problems, and most have already been removed from YA.

    And McCain is really ticked off, his photo-ops with the hurricane kind of fizzled, his own party is saying there was no reason for him to insist that their convention shut down. So everybody is in a bad mood.

    Good luck.

  3. Any cop that beats his wife should be fired.  End  of story.

  4. I sure hope so.

  5. I am guessing he does not care. If he did care about her impending scandal he would not have picked her in the the first place. Choosing her perplexes me, not only has she little experience in anything that is going to prepare her for a VP job, but to pick someone from a podunk town, that has less then 2 years in office as Governor, and has NOT managed to keep herself out of a scandal involving her immediate family member, her ex husband, and his job, is rather unbelievable.  

  6. She is dirty, and not just with TrooperGate but also her oil contacts.  I am surprised that McCain didn't vet her better, but then perhaps everyone else saw this as a failure that they preferred to wait until 2012.

  7. Considering that no one else wanted to be his running mate, he'll have to take what he gets! She is a total flake!  She may end up running again in 2012,w/ Cindy!  McCain is just the "sacrificial lamb" for the GOP.  Hillary was 'supposed' to win.  Obama's nomination threw a wrench into the works! Clinton has a "Kick Me" sign on her back,and can never get it off!  The right wing corporate media would've had a field day smearing her!  It's a sad day in America when the presidential race hinges on the efforts of the KKK ,and peoples 'beliefs' in a mythical 'god'!  This is the 21st century people! Let's move into the Future with peace and prosperity!  

  8. Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]

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