
With Hurricane Gustav about to hit New Orleans, and mandatory evacuations...?

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What will you being doing to assist displaced people? What impact will your religious philosophies have in how you choose to do this?




  1. I will just contribute as I do To the RED CROSS IN CANADA

    who has announcements re Contributions

    Not too much I can to except assist with money or clothes in

    Collections for Victims

    And pray for all Humanity in my prayers which I always do


  2. To be honest with you, I hope they don't come to Texas again. People have NO CLUE to the damage they caused here. Why do people feel sorry for them. Most STILL live in the FEMA trailers, and this is absolutely unacceptable human behavior, and we are enabling them

  3. Many will be heading for San Antonio, I am sure.

    I can donate food and clothing like I did the last time.

    I bet I-10 is a parking lot.

  4. UP, I'm a disabled single mom living in the Northeast. There's really nothing I can do physically.

    Financially, I can and will send a check to one of the relief organizations helping out after the hurricane. My disability check arrives on the third, I can do something then.

    Do you know of any organizations that help the Cubans? I'm always bothered by not knowing how to help them. I don't expect their government can or will do much, and my heart always breaks for them. I know these people don't have the financial resources to recover from this, but I don't know how to help them. I'd really like to.

    EDIT: It's the medically induced brain-fog, UP. Yesterday was chemo day, today I'm a ditz. Here I sit on a q&a forum.... *blushes*

  5. According to my last question, I'm a hate filled bigot because I'd rather help people than churches.

  6. I'll just sit around and pray, then I'll give God credit for all the human effort!  Yay!!!

  7. I live in Canada, but I am sure there are places set up for donations.

    What a horror!  I don't think anyone on this continent was free from the effects of that b*tch Katrina.

  8. My wife works with displaced people 365 days a year.  My job is to support her tireless efforts.

  9. LOL Donna I saw that answer on your Q

    Well, will anyone be evicted to Russia?


    Ooops- I mean evacuated lol

  10. I donated to the Red Cross yesterday.

    And, later today, I'm going to go through my closets and give anything I haven't worn in over a year to the Salvation Army.

  11. I know our church will set up a missions trip and all those that can will participate in aiding those in need.

  12. There are often messages in the sky. Our UFO Cloud ship friends provide extraordinary shows for us if we are willing to watch.

    Gustav, Gustaf or Gustave (meaning "staff of the gods") why name a Hurricane this?

    EDIT: It appears our African-American friends have found yet something else to be pissed about. A black congresswoman (this would be Sheila Jackson Lee, of Houston ), reportedly complained that the names of hurricanes are all Caucasian sounding names.

    She would prefer some names that reflect African-American culture such as Chamiqua, Tanisha, Woeisha, Shaqueal, and Jamal.

    She would also like the weather reports to be broadcast in 'language' that street people can understand because one of the problems that happened in New Orleans was, that black people couldn't understand the seriousness of the situation, due to the racially biased language of the weather report.

    I guess if the weather person says that the winds are going to blow at 140+ MPH, thats too hard to understand.

    Wazzup, mutha-fukkas! Hehr-i-cane Chamiqua be headin' fo' yo *** like Leroy on a crotch rocket! ***** be a category fo'! So, turn off dem chitlins, grab yo' chirren, leave yo crib, and head fo' de nearest FEMA office fo yo FREE ****!

  13. I agree with the feline. My school let in way too many Freshman this year, so it's already packed. We don't have enough room for more people. There isn't really anything I can do, anyway. At least not anything very important, because of my age.

  14. I'm going to do absolutely nothing.

    You may think me callous, but it's really just because I live in Scotland which is about 5000 miles away, so there's not much I can get involved with.

  15. God has cursed the terrorist nation of America

  16. Please forgive me for being so negative, U.P., but I've already heard some of the contributions from American conservatives, and it made me feel sick. You know how the news networks have segments where they air comments from email and, sometimes, Internet sites? Last night on CNN, they aired a comment from someone who was complaining that now, every time there's a hurricane in New Orleans, we'll have to evacuate "these people" with taxpayers' dollars. It makes me so sick that anyone could be so cold-hearted. (And I'd bet my life that this same person has no problem at all with tax dollars spent year in and year out saving wealthy peoples' mountain retreats in California.) Lately, I seriously fear for America's future if conservative Christians maintain their stranglehold on moral, ethical and political thought.

    Oops. I was so busy ranting that I forgot to answer. I plan to simply send what I can when doofus gets paid later this week :P

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