
With PC technology moving so fast how long

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Will it be before we have SNIFF NET where you can smell what you are looking at? Nice for cookery sites but there are a few sites where I wouldnt want to use it.




  1. I believe that someone brought up the idea of Smellivision before.  Personally I don't want to smell the internet.

  2. already got it on tv ,the new ones are called smellyvision

  3. Not for a while probably. Kind of hard to imagine smelling things, especially since Internet connections are based from electricity, while smelling things are based from chemicals.

    If we could transfer smell through internet, people could easily transfer poisonous gases, so I'd doubt they would consider even adding Smell to the Internet.

  4. That isn't a matter of computer technology at all.

    It's a matter of the science of smells, being able to produce the essences of what smells are made up of, and being able to re-create those and mix them properly to create the proper smell.  There are THOUSANDS of aldehydes that make up common smells, and you'd have to have cartridges with at least hundreds of different chemicals that would need to be replaced like printer cartridges, at great expense.

  5. next 30....yrs maybe  

  6. SNIFF NET huh?  Well I wouldnt watch p**n on that.

  7. Nah. I don't care for that idea. I'd much rather have a PC that made me fresh coffee at the push of the button... Then I'd never have to get up! Oh wait, add a seat with a toilet. Now I'm good.

  8. I don't think that technology has really made a move in that direction. What your asking for is probably turning trace amounts of a chemicals signature (scent), converting it into electricity (data stream), then converting it back into the smell. This would not be possible under the current laws of physics. The ultimate rule is that you "can not create nor destroy matter". For this to be in anyway feasible, the smell would have to be duplicated and thereby breaking the laws of physics. So in the long run, i don't see it possible until we get alien technology that has already developed it.

  9. I don't even think that there is a way to electronically recreate or simulate an oder. It would have to be a series off basic auras which would be mixed together which would create a similar smell.

    If such a technology does come about ... it wouldn't be real, only simulation. If you want to smell flowers ... get flowers. If you wanna smell a cooked steak ... start cooking.

    Plus its not in demand, technology is pointed in the direction of demand ... no demand, no advancement. Neccessity is the mother of invention.

  10. i dont think we'll be using stuch things as hardware to GENERATE the smells but much rather using elctrical impulses sent to our brain tricking our minds into smelling something.

    also becasuse its electrical signals we'll also be able to send sound picture taste touch (LOL PORNO) directly to our brains as well as smell.

    this DOES mean that its possible to create a virtual reality in which for example bunjee jumping bussness will go out of bussness because why tke the risk while people can get the same adrenalin rush RIGHT AT HOME =P

    also it raises many other issues.

    i could go on and on. even at the rate computers are developing they may have minds of their own. and might imprison us int hese virtual worlds. much like they did in the matrix.

  11. i think that could take a while would you want to sniff what you are looking at on redtube?

  12. NTT the ATT of Japan is working on this and actually has some products available.  Nice little write up here...

  13. stop smoking crack.

    or snorting coke. whatever you do.


    itll be a while.........


    your crazy....

    Best Regards,


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