
With Palin's son in Iraq, have we heard the last of the shrill rhetoric that only poor people fight wars?

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I doubt it, but I can dream can't I?




  1. Her kid is about my kids age!  

  2. I doubt he will be on the front line, He will probably be in a very safe place.  

  3. McCain has sons in the military also.


    Some of us have bled for the freedoms you abuse!!!!!!!!

  4. We can dream!

    However to Chosen1 who stated that poor people that got suckered into military service! Excuse me! We took a 40K a yr salary cut for my husband to join, he did it because he LOVES his country and I whole heartedly support him. You are sadly mistaken and should be ashamed of your ignorance and ungratefulness.

  5. Biden's son is going to Iraq as well.

    But to answer your question, poor people still make up the vast majority of the military.

    If you really want to stop the "shrill rhetoric" that happens to be fact, vote for the candidate that doesn't get us into unnecessary wars.

  6. I never even heard of Palin till she wat selcted.

    Because McCain knew Clinton supporters would blindly turn to his side.

  7. Chosen1:  People who spout BS like you are really have no idea about anything having to do with the military or the people in it.  I'm career army infantryman who has served in combat...I'm from an upper middle class family.  Oh wait..that's just one doesn't balance.  McCain's kid...just one more.  Palin's kid....just one more.  Quite a few of the guys I served with who are in the same boat...each of them just one more.  You know what?  Those "just one more"s add up really quick.  

    ..and, no...none of us were "suckered" or did it because we "had nowhere else to go".  That's all BS.  Yea...quite a few of us volunteered because we liked the benefits that were being offered...just like any other job that offers pay and benefits....but anyone who tells you that they didn't know what they were getting into when they signed up...or more specifically, didn't know that they could get sent into combat, is either lying or an idiot.....or, more than likely, both.

  8. yeah , i'm sure he's right up there on the front lines

  9. We can hope.

  10. Palin:  "I haven't focused that much on the war in Iraq".  

  11. yes 1 person definitely balanced the equation of the hundreds of thousands of poor people who were suckered into the military because they had no where else to go...

    you are really not that bright.

    Look at THAT! Micheal WANTS her son to die! Do you see how EVIL these people are?! Democrat or Republican, You must vote for Obama to end this!

    Micheal P: "You'd better hope that Palin's son is still alive on November 4. If not, what does that make McCain and all the other warmongers look like? If that happens, maybe Obama really will win "57 States." "

  12. You'd better hope that Palin's son is still alive on November 4.  If not, what does that make McCain and all the other warmongers look like? If that happens, maybe Obama really will win "57 States."

  13. McCain has 1 son who recently returned from Iraq, and another who is on his way there...That didn't stop them, so no, this won't either

  14. I don't think you got the memo. Read the link. Then go to the RNC website and look up the Cafe Q for kindness. Then kill them with kindness.

  15. Wait mabe Mccain will say and i hope and pray he is never taken as a POW hehehe.

  16. No, because it's generally TRUE - if you think otherwise, you haven't seen a cross-section of our active duty troops.    

  17. McCain has a son in the military as well.  

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