
With Palin advising him, would McCain send gunships to kill wolves in Alaska but not bin Laden in Pakistan?

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Once again, Republicans don't know their own candidates. McCain has said on the record that he will not go into Pakistan after bin Laden. Palin sent hunters in airplanes to kill wolves as part of a conservation effort. This is the experience they offer. I'm sure Hillary Clinton supporters will be flocking to them in droves. No way, no how, no McCain.




  1. Yes.

    Then he'll keep us in this war with Iraq, pass on, and leave Palin to command; she mentioned at the end of her speech yesterday that she doesn't know a lot about Iraq. Way to go, McCain.

  2. I was wondering how long it would take for the stupid anti-Palin questions to start.  Not long it turns out.  

    Senator McCain is fully commited to winning the war on terror.  Govenor Palin does not want to kill wolves in Alaska.  If anything, they are trying to increase the number of wolves up there so the species doesn't die out.  They are almost extinct in the lower 48 states.

    Why don't you read some actual facts about the candidates instead of just bashing them with dumb questions?

  3. lol

  4. Palin is a hunter that likes to wear fur. For Republicans it is safer to let the Navy do the aiming. Infinitely more Republican faces are blown off hunting with Republican VPs than with Democrat VPs. :-o

  5. No. Dam the desperation is getting rampant in here. See Obama going down in flames??

  6. Of course we all know Biden really would be calling the shots and Obama would be just the window dressing.

  7. Another senseless question from a democrat. I don't even understand where you are trying to go with this.

  8. 13? 14 maybe?

    You can't be any older than that and ask a dumb a** question like this.

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