
With Palin installed in the VP spot, are Republicans now hostages of the religious right?

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Extremism is not what is needed in the world today.




  1. they have been for a while now, that's why McCain was not allowed to pick Lieberman... Maverick my @$$

  2. Nope. Atheist, gun-toting, bi-sexual, REPUBLICAN here... I've been excited since I've learned more about Palin. I wasn't gonna bother getting out of bed to vote for McCain but knowing that she would take over if he croaks makes me actually want to set my alarm and go vote first thing.

  3. I guess that excludes the religous left too-Bye-bye bama

    or would you want the church of ' whitey owes us ' take over?

  4. I'm Democrat so I can't speak for the Republicans but I really can't understand how anyone could support her and there is a good possibility that she would become president if the Republicans win, she goes against everything I believe in and her ethics are definitely lacking.McCain is ok and a moderate so what was he thinking when he choose her. the more I read about her the more concerned I am.

  5. not until McCain takes a dirt nap.  Until he dies (which will probably be in office, if he's elected) Palin will be relegated to menial jobs.  She'll be a do-nothing vice president, but ironically there will be a huge chance that she'll ascend to the presidency.

  6. Uh, "extremism is not what is needed in the world today."  Oh that is brilliant!  Thank you so much for shedding your opinion on the world, like a ray of light in the dark.  You have brought meaning and understanding to us all.  NOT!!  Tell you what; why don't you go over to where all the terrorists are and tell them that you want to coexist with them.  That we can all stand around and sing songs together while holding hands.  That is sure to calm them down.  Now, my next point is; why is it so bad to have religion in our nation?  This nation was founded by White Anglo Saxon Protestants.  Yes, I said the dreaded "white" word!  I also said the dreaded "protestant" word too.  What is the problem with that?  I am quite sure that most of you that are reading this are calling me racist or some such nonsense.  I could not be further from any of those things.  I hate everybody equally.  Why do all the liberals and democrats want to deny what it was that this great nation was founded on?!  I am so sick and tired of people bad mouthing our country.  How many people do you see trying to break out of the US of A?  The answer; none!  It is that simple.  No other country races to help others as fast as we do.  Why is it so bad to ask our faith to guide us?  Notice that I said "guide" not "govern".  Wake up people.  

  7. They always have been. Nothing new now except some different tongues being spoken.

  8. James Dobson bought the best VP candidate money can buy.

    And you can REALLY see the effect of inflation on the value of the dollar in this one deal. He really didn't get his money's worth, because the RNC must drain their coffers explaining to the base just who she is and why she should be there.

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