
With The Win over Jardine is Wanderlei " The Axe Murder' Silva back?

by Guest61509  |  earlier

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I think he might be, although I didn't like the fact that he still chose to throw looping punches. I think he might still be a sucker for someone throws straight rights. I would like to see him change up his striking style, it's too one dimensional, even though it's extremely explosive. Let me know what you think?




  1. He seems to be back.

    He's not gonna change his style, his style is for knockouts. The punches are for KO power in order to set up a clinch.

  2. He is back and i knew that jardine was overated i was saying it ever since Alexander knocked him out, I had a feeling that Silva would destroy him because he hits so hard and is super aggressive, Silva is definately back in the LHW picture and might be getting a title shot very soon.

  3. Silva was never really out of it.  I think that he and other Pride guys took the UFC fighters too lightly and were beaten in their early UFC fights.  They thought that it would be easy money to come to America and beat the new kids down.  That plus the fact that they were used to fighting in a ring (how many times has Silva KO'd someone when he came off the ropes?  Can't do that in a cage!) affected their fights more than they will admit.

    Now that Silva is training in a cage, and taking his fights more seriously, I think he'll continue to be a tough competitor.

  4. not quite but he's on his way, the person in the liddell fight was not wanderlai, the person fighting against jardine was, it was a wanderlai we haven't seen since he faught crocop(wasn't himself against henderson either, better than against liddell but still not wanderlai). however it looked to me like a slow, rusty wanderlai, he wasn't quite at his normal level, and he was definitely slower than normal, but he was at least back in is own style, which was a beautiful thing to see, as far as whether he will be back to his former level, it remains to be seen but he is on his way.

  5. I think in a longer fight we might have seen a few changes in Wands game since he started training here in America, mostly with footwork and setting up punches but he wanted to give the fans from the USA a chance to see what he was known for in PRIDE and he gave it to them.  Wand only lost once since coming back to UFC the other two losses were in PRIDe to a HW in Mirko and Hendo who is one of the best ever.  

    I don't think Wand ever left but I do think that some folks caught up, with some changes to his overall game Wand could definetly be a top contender.  He does have two of the nastiest KO's ever against Rampage so we shouldn't ever count him out of a fight.

  6. hes not 1 dimensional. hes a BJJ as well but he just likes to give KO's to the fans. And yes i think hes back

  7. he was never gone to begin with. his 3 losses in a row were to cro cop, henderson, and liddell. jardine isn't half as good as tjhese 3 (even though he beat an uninspired liddell). i think wanerlei should drop to middleweight, beat the snot out of a bisping, okami, leben etc. then challenge anderson silva to a title shot, get a k.o. win, then rematch henderson in a rubber match.

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