
With War Pass injured and out of Derby, who's going to run with "Big Brown"?

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  1. It'll be interesting. I'm not counting Colonel John or Pyro out - still think both are very good colts, even in light of their respective "shortcomings" - Colonel John is a west coast polytrack star and we all remember Pyro's lack of sizzle last weekend.

    I'm also looking towards Monba - after all, remember what his sire did?

    If there's one thing I know to be true about the world of the horse, it's that Michael Matz knows what the ^%$ he's talking about - watch out for Visionaire. If Mr. Matz believes this is a good horse, I'll bet on him every single time he goes to post.

    All that being said, I'm rooting for Big Brown in a huge way, but my one reservation about him is this "bad feet" story...I like Big Brown b/c he seems like the kind of horse who might have the ability to give us a Triple Crown champion, which the sport sorely needs - it has to seem possible in order for people to strive for it. But what happens when Big Brown crosses the Preakness finish line with sore feet and gets pulled from the Belmont? One more year with no true champion. Both Smarty Jones and Afleet Alex deserved it, and Barbaro might have done it as well...but we're still waiting.

  2. the answer is no one with him coming off his previous big wins he is going to be all by him self coming down the home stretch. no upset this year

  3. The horses in front mid pack. He won't go to the lead, and you can bet on that.

  4. Probably Bob Black Jack

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