
With a home insurance claim - i can't find any receipts?

by Guest31771  |  earlier

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items missing are mostly jewellry., wedding rings, heirlooms and other irrepalceable items mostly gift purchased abroad. Does anyone have experience of what to do in this circumsatnces? we have a loss adjuster coming round on tuesday and I am worried he will look at this very suspiciously - any help really appreciated???




  1. Most homeowners policies have a maximum limit they will pay for jewelry, without listing them with increased coverage.

    Without receipts, it will be hard to determine the values, so the adjuster might just give you the maximum stated on your policy.

  2. Don't be too worried, the adjustor is not there to reduce the claim on behalf of the insurance company, he is impartial and is merely there to establish facts.

    He/she will merely ask you about your purchases or question how you came by the goods, if there are other ways you can demonstrate their existence such as photos, this is always helpful. Do you have a picture of you wearing the stolen jewellery or are there pictures of rooms in your house where the items in question can be seen in the background.

    I have worked in ins claims for over 20 years and the best advice I can give is to be 100% honest, if there is no receipt tell the adjustor and explain why, you have nothing to fear by being genuine, if you deviate from the facts adjustors stand a good chance of catching you out and then will feel cynical about the entire claim.

    Hope this helps a bit.

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