
With all of the years McCain has been in office. Why cant the left nail him on something relevant?

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Its almost laughable.

He divorced his first wife

His wife is rich

He owns too many houses..

Is this the best that the left can come up with???

Maybe Johnny boy is a lot cleaner than I thought.




  1. we are not looking for his dirt. We are looking for his plan... and can't find it.

  2. Well, when Obama picks a running mate that said he would prefer to be McCain's VP, and McCain would be a better choice for President, that kind of proves Obama's inexperience, it sort of makes things easy for the GOP. Throw in the tantrum the Clinton's are about to throw, and the GOP couldn't have asked for more

  3. This is all they've got and it's the best they can do. Obama has been wrong on just about every serious it's time to get silly.

  4. Puts this election in perspective, doesn't it.

  5. Yep, that's all they can come up with.  And the fact that McCain is an old white guy.  So who does Obama pick as his running mate? old white guy....lolol.

  6. Keating 5

    Doesnt know his faith or number of houses

    Not only has more lobbyist on his staff than any other candidate in 20089, but is sleeping with them

    Votes against all support for our troops

    Fights with other POW MIA families

    Violates his own campaign law

    Helped his wife get off scot free for illegally getting pain pills from her own charity

    You asked

    By the way, McCain's positions on the issues are more than enough for him to not get elected.  You just dont see Obama supporters needing to use these scandals to discredit McCain because they know that if it comes down to issues, Obama will win.  McCain supporters are just more desperate and apparently more creative.

  7. Apparently

  8. Sorry... I thought I had done that already for you.

    Phil Gramm--Passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that deregulated banks and allowed all banks to play both investment and banking.  See current financial problems and the "too big to fail problem".  Also, banking securities act allowed for hedging (see oil bubble and housing bubble POP!)... oh and now he works for UBS.  Gramm is his lead economic advisor.

    ""John McCain's top foreign-policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, is a leading expert on U.S.-allied Georgia -- and was a paid lobbyist for the former Soviet republic until March, in the run-up to what has become a major battle between Georgia and Russia.""

    The GOP convention manager used to be a lobbyist for the Myanmar junta.  

    All of these people are also going to earn a spot in the cabinet most likely.

  9. I know, they have to keep insulting him for his age, his disfigurements from torture and cancer, and having too many houses.  But, knowing the mentality of liberals, insulting people for age and their handicaps is right up their ally.

    lol, cheating on his wife 20 years ago.  But they loved Bill Clinton that made a w***e house out of our White House and they always say personal lives shouldn't become a political point.  Libs are disgusting hypocrites.

  10. Lately, I've been seeing a lot of questions that I suspect may have come from the likes of Rosie O'Donnell or Jane Fonda - if if that's the best pundits they have - it's hilarious!

    (You left out - he has fat cheeks, he's waaaayyyyy too old, and his name rymes with McSame.)

  11. I can't speak for the left, but I don't really care what they have to say about him. He still has to answer to the RIGHT! He has alienated and continues to alienate the conservative base of the Republican party. He is in no way a conservative. He tries to appear to be some kind of progressive "socialist-con", but in truth he is just another globalist CFR stooge! That means big government and a lot of intrusion in peoples' lives, combined with a blatant disregard for the United States Constitution (the very same things you'll get from Obama). All of this is offensive to principled conservatives, hence the schism within the GOP and the success of Ron Paul.

    I would say that's pretty relevant.

    The GOP is taking a DIVE! They are throwing the fight! Both parties are controlled! Tell your neighbors!

  12. They seem to have forgotten the #1 reason people were  attracted to Obama.........."Change"

    As soon as Obama got the nod ......change flew out the window and politics as usual was back in order. That is why the negative ads are flying with name calling & rhetoric

  13. That's the thing, they dig up this "dirt" on his personal life, yet when it comes to his political career the best they can come up with, he isn't good with the economy...

    5. Questionable knowledge about Al-Quaeda (they're being trained in Iran???) LOL, well there have been multiple documented cases of Iranian weapons being captured in fighting in Iraq... Kind of shot yourself in the foot there lmao.

    Liberal biased thinking.. ftl....

    I can come up with solid examples of Barack Obama's political experience and almost nothing on his personal life because frankly, if I was to engage in a judged debate and I brought up points about his personal life, it would be saying, "I couldn't find real material, BUT I FOUND THIS"

    Typical liberal debate, attack their personal life.

  14. When ever some one trys to gives those facts YA is taking a coffee break or someone reports as a violation and it is removed.  It s unfortunate that is all one cares to know are the above meaningless mentioned that are not really the issues.  

  15. Yeah, unbelievable isn't it, we get an honorable candidate for once and the freaking kids and yuppies with the media try to s**t can him for an inexperianced, racist, egotistical, muslim loving piece of garbage.

  16. Both parties and both candidates are irrelevant, but just so you know, McCain is destined to lose this election.  Twice as many registered Democrats voted in the primaries as Republicans, believe me, he's going to get slaughtered.  There is a whole lot to attack McCain on, including his trading of secret military base and naval positions for special treatment while being held captive during the Vietnam War.

    Also, his strange and relentless battle to keep all POW records classified, and end any actions by POW families to see if their Husbands or Sons were still alive.

    You would think being a POW himself that he would try to help these families.  Very strange indeed......................

    The Democrats however, are not going to attack these angles much.  Why?  Because McCain practically IS a Democrat.  Look at his Voting   Record next to Obama's.  They consistently vote the same way!  At least on issues with any real importance.  Not only is he a Socialist, McCain is also the WORST possible candidate the GOP could have chosen to run.  He is the new Bob Dole of the 21st century; every time he opens his mouth people cringe, waiting for the train wreck.   If the GOP leadership really wanted to win, they wouldn't have tried to muscle out Ron Paul, who could easily crush Obama in any debate, just like he crushed all other GOP Candidates including McCain during the Republican Debates.

    Obama is Globalist Scum, but hey, so is McCain.  They are both members of the same club; the Council on Foreign Relations.  What is the CFR's goal?  Here it is, from their OWN MOUTH:

    "The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England ... (and) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."

    - Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), mentor to Bill Clinton, quote from “Tragedy and Hope”, 1966

    Now, why would McCain, a supposed conservative (conservatives are supposed to believe in limited Government), be a member of an Organization like this?

  17. I've got five for you:

    1. Keative Five scandal

    2. Cheating on his first wife (and possibly his second)

    3. Having no economic expertise whatsoever (and admitting to it)

    4. Having no geographical expertise whatsoever (Pakistan shares a border with Iraq?)

    5. Questionable knowledge about Al-Quaeda (they're being trained in Iran???)

  18. Ya a real mister clean a old man on the time of his life young at heart and singing Bomb bomb bomb Iran like a Idiot just about ready to nominate a top JEW Lieberman to be by his side as he enjoys the fruits of his partys nomination chow f.p

  19. well, if he is so clean why wont he release his Military Service Records~?

    even the insiders in his own Party at the White-house say they don't trust his temper and he is wacky, y'all are just too ashamed to admit your mistakes and are trying to save face even if you vote for another warmongering nutcase that wants to continue to feed the rich and send the poor off to war~!

    y'all should be ashamed of yourselves~!

  20. His wife is rich?  So was Kerry's.  McCain's wife owns most of the property.  Why not focus on the issues like experience, leadership, taxes, energy, and matters that affect most Americans.

  21. Why bother.

    He has come right out in support of Bush's policies @ 95%.

    McCain is not a bad guy...Before he embraced the neocons, he was a great guy. He is honest. It is just that he appears to have sold his soul.

    He has said absolutely NOTHING about doing ANYTHING for middle-class America.

    He used to like us. But now he is acting like a typical big-shot politician...kissin' up to the money.

    McCain is another is simple as that. That is the RELEVANT fact.

  22. I know, pretty sad, huh! That makes me feel much more comfortable with voting for him!

  23. McCain did have the affair, but that was years ago. Outside of that, yeah he's pretty clean and I believe he's honest with Americans. They tried to nail him on the Keating 5 scandal but he got out when he saw things were just plain wrong.

  24. The left can come up with nothing of substance because they themselves are non-substantial and think in terms of fluff.

    That would be why Joe "We didn't want you for prez and we REALLY don't want you for veep" Biden is Barak Odumscheit's running mate.

  25. That's because for all those years in office, McCain has been closer to a Democrat than a Republican. If they tried to criticize any of his actions (aside from support for the war), they'd be effectively criticizing themselves.

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