
With all the anger out there, will the majority of Americans be in open rebellion by summer? Strikes, etc.?

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The Truckers' Strike this week is only the tip of an iceberg of anger in America about almost everything.




  1. I think that the anger and frustration will spill over by the election and I'm not sure that it will stop there.  No body in Washington is listening to the average person and there are more of us than there are of them.  I think that if you have a seat in congress no matter what your affiliation you should watch your back and hope that your party wins so that you can get back in on the coat tails of the party head.

  2. i hope there is a big convoy

  3. Most popular movements are quite effectively marginalized to be rather useless at this point. We'd need far reaching deleterious conditions that effect the top 20%--the college-educated professional class--before you see any actual mobilization or organization come close to being effective.

  4. People are to busy to be striking, but in a democracy these things are an ongoing thing, nothing to be very worried about.

  5. I doubt it, but One can only hope.  The anger is not so much about our Country, our values, or even our morals, but about the fact that our Constitution is being used as toilet paper by the Federal Government, which, like King George II's England, has declared itself as the ONLY authority on our Liberties and Rights.

    How ironic is it.  The Second King George gives himself tyrannical power over these states, just like before.

    In the Words of Alex Jones, the Answer to 1984 is 1776.

  6. where do i sign up?

  7. I hear people expressing anger about what has become of America everywhere I go.  I've never seen or heard anything like it before.  If I were a politician who could be held responsible for this incredible mess, I'd be watching my back.  If you know anything about history, I'm reminded of the French Revolution and the intense anger of the French people which led to it.

  8. No, because despite all the anger, things are not nearly as bad as you have been led to believe.  But it's sure to be a volatile election cycle.  It'll be interesting to see if Democrats can, yet again, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  9. If this were the 1960's, it might happen. But not today. People can't be bothered. They just blame it on CNN, etc., and go on wasting their lives on ticky-tacky stuff.

  10. Most American's are properly sedated.  They'll be watching American Idol and reading about Britney.

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