
With all the close division races thus far do you think there will be a one-game playoff?

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in a division and if so which one and which team will win the division because of it? Thanks!




  1. angels and A's in a one  game playoff in the AL West lol

  2. There are a lot of close divisions. I think if any of them go to a one-game playoff, it will be the AL Central. The White Sox and Twins are constantly switching who is in first all season long.

  3. i see the sox and rays in a 1 game play-off btw i thik the rays are a fluke just like the 06 saints

  4. This is a great question.

    I honestly think there will not be any one-game playoffs.

    The divisions- as close as they are- are rarely actually tied. The teams in the tight races seem to always be a 1 game or .5 games apart, and rarely actually tied. So I doubt there will be a one-game playoff, but anything can happen.

  5. Well with these races, I wouldnt be surprised if there were a 3 team round robin playoff for the Wild Card/NL East....This year has been so exciting and I cannot wait to see this race go down to the finish...This should be great

  6. The NL East: three teams seperated by two games.  Can see a 1 game playoff.  Im picturing the Philles and Marlins, 1 game playoff and Philles pull if out.

  7. I think it will be the NL east but probably won't happen at all.

  8. In the central neither team wants to take advantage of their chan ces and move farther apart

  9. al central twins and sox twins win.

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