
With all the controversies and issues who had the better pick barack or john for vp?

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be nice and no bashing neither




  1. I like Palin because she's not a Washington insider,plus has executive experience.

  2. McCain. Palin is not a washing ton insider, she is a woman, she is loved by the base, and has executive experience. I think all Biden has out of these is being liked by the base.

  3. Obama because his vp choice adds to him and balances out what he is missing.  McCain could have made a better choice.  It was good that he found someone who would hellp rally his conservative base, it was bad that he chose a person who was unexpereinced which was his main complaint against Obama.  He now can no longer use that as a reason to vote for his ticket, and I doubt he can really come up with any other barbs to aim at Obama.  If McCain wins there is a great chance that his VP could act as president, McCain needs to reassure people as to why he thinks she can do it. In doing that, he will negate all the negative ads he has attacked Obama with.

  4. Because it gave media attention to him, and stole it away from the democrats, I'd have to say John McCain for good timing.

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