
With all the drinking on King of The Hill, do any of them ever get drunk??? ?

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or does being drunk off their @$$ explain the way they are in the show all the time haha (actually i know of one episode where bill gets a night in jail for being drunk but that was it)




  1. They kind of remind me of some of my husband's family, (southerners), and while they always have a beer in hand, it may be the same one for an hour.  I'd say they're more social drinkers than anything.  

    Hank's too clean-cut to ever really get drunk.  Dale's insane already, maybe getting drunk would make him normal.  Bill... well, Bill needs a woman that'll shape him up and make him grow a spine.  Boomhauer can't be a ladies' man if he's drunk.

    And yes, I realize it's an animated show and they aren't real, but as characters, they're more social drinkers that sip rather than chug.

  2. Yes, they get drunk. In the head lice episode, Bill is clearly drunk after drinking the six pack alone, and falling over a mailbox.

  3. they cant get drunk because its a cartoon its not real. if the guys making this show wants them to get drunk then they make them. if the guys want them to grow wings when they drink red bull then they will looooolll.

    basically ask the creators of the show have they ever made them look drunk  lol

  4. Cartoon characters can't get drunk, they aren't real people.

  5. umm...i believe that they replace the alcohol with water or somethingt that looks like whatever their drinking.

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