
With all the evidence against man made global warming how can anyone believe it?

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With all the evidence against man made global warming how can anyone believe it?




  1. People believe in anthropogenic climate change because a preponderance of the evidence supports it.  Another reason is that most people who claim there is no evidence to support it are Libertarians who make scientific judgments based on how well it fits their ideology.  By constantly rejecting solid science by real scientists and unquestioningly embracing every moronic claim made by lackeys for the oil and coal industry, these naysayers actually end up making it sound as though only camo-clad, SUV driving, members of the John Birch Society would doubt it.  That's enough to make most believe.

  2. You are treading on very thin ice!

    What 'evidence' are you referring to?

    If you think that AGW is a hoax or a scam, is it just because there is some people that say that? Right up to the landing on the Moon, there were some people that 'believed' that the Moon was made of cheese! My high school teacher,in public school,even went further out ,by stating that his 'god' would not let mere mortal men into the realm of 'heaven'.   He was wrong!  I knew he was wrong right there in class,when he said that. I got a week detention for arguing about it with him in class. Do some open minded research into the subject. Don't just say you disagree,and not have a single fact to back you up.

  3. What ignorance. How did the Earth ever, ever get out of the ice age without all those SUV's?

    Meltwater pulse.  

  4. It's in human nature to thrive on scare stories. I don't know why but there have been literally countless people who have tried to predict the world's end and failed. In the lead up to 1000AD the pope said the world would end because it was 1000 years after the birth of Christ. When that date came and passed he changed his story and said it would end in 1033AD because that was 1000 years after Christ's crusifiction. In the years up to 1970 environmentalists said the world was going to go into an ice age by 1980 (or thereabouts). When that date came and passed these environmentalists changed their story and said the world would bake by 2000. Notice any similarities. But the environmentalist went a step further. After the world started cooling again after the exeptionally fierce El Nino of 1998 they changed their tune yet again. Global warming was changed to climate change and environmentalist said that both warming and cooling would occur.

  5. There is evidence for both sides of the argument, only the evidence against is much more solid, and the other is a theory. People who believe in AGW theory are probably not the kind of people who question what they are told by their peers and trust the scienitists and the media and often the theory fits with a lot of peoples left wing views such as down with capitalism and pollution, save the planet etc so they dont want it to be wrong as it fits with their beliefs.

    People have a right to there own opinions, some people believe god made the earth 12,000 years ago in light of overwhelming scientific evidence, it may be because they want to believe it or that they have never learnt otherwise, or that to question would imply those around them have lied to them.

    AGW has become like a religion and those who doubt it are labelled as "deniers". AGW believers get extremely heated when you express doubt over the theory yet they often know very little about it and are unaware of the mounting evidence against it, they often insist that the scientists cant be wrong. Well you only have to look at history to see the scientific community is often horribly wrong, they used to think the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth until a skpetic pointed out where they were wrong.

    The scientists were predicting global cooling and a forthcoming ice age in 1975 so we know the scienctists can get it very wrong. One scientist at the time suggested we could release more co2 as it may counter the cooling and the scientific community said that co2 increasing global temperatures was merely a silly fantasy. Now look at what they are saying!

    I think pride often comes into it aswell, when they hear information like the troposphere has not been warming (the signature for global warming) which pretty much shoots the entire theory down, they dont want to admit they have been running around wrongly beating their AGW drum.

    "In light of new evidence I change my mind, what sir do you do?"

    But the important thing is respect their opinions, as they well could be the ones who are right, or we could all be wrong and proably are. New theories will come with time as our understanding improves. If the current cooling trend continues they will be forecasting cooling and iceages next then telling us that co2 actually cools the earth (this way they can keep their profitable carbon trading and funding). I look forwards to it!

  6. I'll answer your question out right. It's because of the media and the way they hype up the scares of global warming and also because they repeat the message and idea of global warming again and again and again sort of like those adds for a new corn flake or toy at macdonalds, down right annoying but they play it enough times so you remember it and have the message stuck at the back of your head! WIthout the media there would be a very few amount of people talking about global warming

  7. Carbon dioxide curve is here:

    Temperature curve is here:



    Meanwhile, solar output is cycling normally:

    I'd say that CO2, and temperatures are rising, wouldn't you?

    Or is it a big conspiracy (rolls eyes)

  8. There is no evidence, its all a fraud

  9. It is because the profits their religion is curently reaping from high gas prices is more important to them than truth, Humans have had absolutely nothing to with any warming period and there has been no warming for over 70 years now. Well up until 1934-40 it was real and it happened because of the end of a period of low sun spot activity and the beginning of a more active period of solar output. It has been well proven now through current and historical records that the overall temperature average or climate of the earth is closely tied to the sun spot activity that directly affects the earth’s climate. Real global warming is a natural cosmic event, the global warming currently in the public spotlight is a fictional event brought about for political and economic gains by an elite group of con men.

    The whole concept that this global warming scam is built on comes from a mistake in logic by a chemist back in the late 1800s when things started warming up at the end of the 2nd half of the little ice age. His arguments were adopted by a group of anti-industrial/anti-technology religious fanatics known as Luddites after their prophet to try and return society to its grander days in the early medieval period when nobility meant something. Oh yes, just like today the major adherents of this cult were the 2nd and 3rd sons of the minor nobility and in some cases the 1st sons who had squandered their inheritances on life style instead of productivity.

    The anti Co2 cult was enhanced again when the argument was taken up during the late 20s when warming became noticeable and a industrial chemical firm had come up with a fluorocarbon instead of an oxycarbon refrigerant they claimed was not only superior to Co2 as a refrigerant it also would end the threat of global warming caused by Co2. This refrigerant was known as Freon and was in recent years banned because it was suspected of damaging the ozone layer. Now because of the low performance of other substituted refrigerants Co2 is making a huge comeback in the refrigeration industry, especially in newer auto air-conditioning systems that are more compact and efficient.

    In the 1970s the Co2 equals warming theory was once again brought forward by a couple of low end climate scientists Mann/Hansen to first warn of the immanent plunge into a new and disastrous ice age because of the production of Co2 by vehicles and industry. This even though it got major media news play flopped like a lead balloon. Then they got involved with a shyster politician that had major oil company connections dating back to his fathers involvement with them who said clearly people are not afraid of cold but they are of heat.

    So this politician writes a disaster is coming because of the warming that will be caused by the huge amounts of Co2 the world is pumping into the air. Mann/Hansen then revised their materials to forecast ever rising temperatures in sync with rising Co2 levels. Well when they checked closely they found that world temperatures had no relationship with Co2 levels and instead followed sun spot activity so they had to alter world temperature records to reflect a temperature increase matching the Co2 increase. This worked fine up through 2000 because things were warming up after the 70s cool period at that time. Then after 2000 temps leveled off and started dropping a little and their altered temperature curve that matched the increasing Co2 curve began to radically separate from reality even more than it had from the beginning of the scam when they had interjected an artificial .5C jump that placed the current 1998 peak well above 1934 when it was actually about .1C below 1934. This radical difference between actual recorded temperatures and reported ones quoted by Mann/Hansen is what brought about NASA action to review national and international records. The US national records have been repaired and now reflect the fact that global warming is more than a myth, it is an outright con game played for profit at the highest political and economic levels.

  10. I'd love to see some evidence against it, but alas, I haven't seen any so far.  Perhaps you could provide it.

  11. Present your "evidence" for summary debunking....

  12. What evidence?

  13. That is a question for a psychologist -

    My opinion is that we need a boogie man.  We need a great evil to be afraid of and to conquer.  We don't have communists to fight any more (except for the greens). With Saddam's execution and Bin Laden living in a cave we feel more secure about terrorism.  China is making a show of being with the program, and Fidel is nearing the end.  Iran and North Korea simply aren't scary enough, so we need a new boogie man.

    Thankfully, Revered Hansen and Father Algore have given us global warming - something even more scary than all out nuclear war.  It has the power to cause both drought and flooding, record high temperatures and record low temperatures, heat waves and blizzards.  It will cause massive species extinction.  It will cause disease vectors to spread from poor nations huddled in the middle latitudes to the more affluent northern latitudes.  Hurricanes and Tornadoes will increase in both frequency and ferocity.  Polar bears will drown.  Glaciers will disappear from the world while Canadians and Russians cease purchasing winter clothing.  Are you scared yet?

    We need a boogie man.

  14. Amazing, absolutely amazing....

    "With all the evidence against man made global warming..."

    and yet the only "evidence" against AGW that is presented is:

    1, yes, ONE, link ("all" the evidence suggests there is a very large amount, not just one link);

    It is 5 years old;

    It is not a scientific paper, just an editorial in an Australian newspaper;

    The editorial is based on ONE report that is over 10, yes, TEN, years old

    If this is "all the evidence" then I think you've answered your own question, don't you?

    There's more evidence than one newspaper article quoting a 10 year old study for sasquatch...

    As for the rest, it has been debunked over and over again...

    "Co2 has never been shown to be a major temperature driver in the past"; actually it's been well known since the 1800s and proven (especially by Venus) that it does affect planetary temperatures...

    "It's virtually impossible today to find any scientist who will look you in the eye and state "global warming is real""- these scientists (well over 1,000) will all do exactly that:

    but Dave F added that the scientists would always qualify it with maybe, possibly, etc.

    Well, of course! It's a prediction - nothing, absolutely nothing is 100% certain (cf. Heisenberg uncertainty principle) and yet we manage to live our entire lives on probability:

    People use their credit cards because they will PROBABLY get paid later;

    People take an umbrella with them when it's raining because it will PROBABLY continue to rain;

    People don't jump out windows because it will PROBABLY kill them...

    As for Tom, he shows the biggest denier mistake of them all - believing that he is king of the whole world! I'm amazed at the arrogance and egotism of the deniers. Tom says, for example, "We don't have communists to fight any more" - who's this "we"; the (communist) Chinese scientists who think AGW is a problem? The (Marxist) Cuban farmers who think AGW is a problem? etc - People all over the world believe AGW to be a problem and something needs to be done about it - all the reasons Tom lists are for Americans.

    I just don't get it - are deniers that ignorant of geography that they think "GLOBAL" = "USA"?


    I guess the short answers to your question is:

    a) There is no evidence against AGW

    b) Intelligent, educated people are capable of seeing the truth

  15. Easy, by realising that the evidence against it is for the most part just misquotes.

  16. What Evidence?

    co2 is up, sealevel is up, Arctic ice is less, ocean acidity is up, glacier around the world are melting and this all started around the time we started to increase out use of carbon based fuels, first coal and oil and them later gasoline.

    With the exception of a number of semi secret group like OISM and Heartland institute with links to oil companies and a hand full of scientists, most of the worlds scientific groups think this is happening.

  17. I'm not going to grace this question with an answer

    This is ridiculous

    -composes herself-

  18. Well for starters Bill :

    1. Co2 has never been shown to be a major temperature driver in the past.

    2.There is no greenhouse signature to suggest that warming over the last 100 years is a greenhouse warming . It can't be found .

    3. Temperature on the planet over the past 10 years has either been static or cooling while Co2 has been going up.

    The evidence rules Co2 out for now . Most people 'believe" it because they are ignorant and just go along with whatever the mainstream media tells them. More intelligent  

    people want to believe because they are arrogant .

  19. People still believe in man-made global warming because several self serving interest groups and the media promote that view.

    There are many people who refuse to look at the evidence that discounts CO2 affecting the climate. It's virtually impossible today to find any scientist who will look you in the eye and state "global warming is real" without adding "BUT, IF, MAYBE or it's my belief"... Satellite data and weather balloons have proven the temperature has dropped - not increased.

    The climate is changing constantly, there is nothing that humans can do to change it. I believe people are arrogant (and ignorant) to think we can change it.

    Edit: Following is a list of peer reviewed papers demonstrating evidence that climate change is NOT man-made. Sorry about the length - but it's all evidence;

    W. Dansgaard et al., “North Atlantic Climatic Oscillations Revealed by Deep

    Greenland Ice Cores,” in Climate Processes and Climate Sensitivity (1984), ed., F. E.

    Hansen and T. Takahashi, Geophysical Monograph 29, (Washington, D.C.,

    American Geophysical Union).

    W. Dansgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    Hans Oeschger, deceased, retired from the University of Bern, Switzerland

    W Dansgaard et al., “Evidence for general instability of past climate from a 250-kyr

    ice-core record,” Nature 364 (1992): 218-220

    W. Dansgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    S. J. Johnson, University of Iceland

    H.B. Clausen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    D. Dahl-Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    N.S. Gundestrup, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    C.U. Hammer, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    C.S. Hvidberg, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    J. P. Steffenson, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    A. E. Sveinbjornsdottir, University of Iceland

    J. Jouzel, French Atomic Energy Commission

    G. Bond, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, New York.

    Claude Lorius et al., “A 150,000-Year Climatic Record from Antarctic Ice, “Nature,

    Vol. 316, pp. 591-96, 1985.

    Claude Lorius, French National Center for Scientific Research

    C. Ritz, French National Center for Scientific Research

    J. Jouzel, Geochemical Isotope Laboratory, France

    L. Merlivat, Geochemical Isotope Laboratory, France

    S. Korotkevich, Geochemical Isotope Laboratory, France

    N. I>. Barkov, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Leningrad

    V. M. Kotlyakov, Russian Institute of Geography

    T. Cronin, “Climatic Variability in the Eastern U.S. over the past Millennium from

    Chesapeake Bay Sediments, Geology, Vol. 28, p 3-6, 2000

    T. Cronin, USGS

    D. Willard, USGS

    A Karlsen, USGS

    S. Ishman, USGS

    S. Verardo, USGS

    J/. McGeehin USGS

    Kerhin, Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore, MD

    C Holmes, USGS

    S. Colman, USGS

    A. Zimmerman, Virginia Inst. Of Marine, Science, Gloucester Pt, VA

    Gerald H. Haug, “Climate and the Collapse of Maya Civilization,” Science 299

    (2003): 1731-1735.

    Gerald H. Haug, Geopforschungszenfrum, Potsdam, Germany

    Detlef Gunther, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

    Larry C. Peterson, University of Miami

    Daniel M. Sigman, Princeton University

    Konrad A Hughen, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Beat Aeschlimann, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

    David Hodell et al., “Solar Forcing of Drought Frequency in the Maya Lowlands,”

    Science 292 (2001): 1367-70.

    David Hodell, University of Florida

    Mark Brenner, University of Florida

    Jason H. Curtis, University of Florida

    Thomas Guilderson, Livermore National Lab, Livermore, CA

    Nicolas Caillon et al., “Timing of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature

    Changes Across Termination III,” Science 299 (2003): 1728-31.

    Nicolas Caillon, Scripps Institutionion of Oceanography

    Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Scripps

    Jean Jouzel, French Atomic Energy Commission

    Jean-Marc Barnola, Laboratory of Glaciology and Geophysics Environment, France

    Jiancheng Kang, Polar Research Institute of China

    Volodya Lipenkov, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

    Tandong Yao et al., “A 2000-Year Tibetan Temperature History,” Science in China

    45 (2002): 1068-1074.

    Tandong Yao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    K. Duan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    B., Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    N. Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    J. Pu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    L. Tian Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    W. Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    S. Kang Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    X Quin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

    L.G. Thompson, Ohio State

    D. Dahl-Jensen et al., “Past Temperatures Direct from the Greenland Ice Sheet,”

    Science, Vol. 282 (1998): 268-271.

    D. Dahl-Jensen, Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen

    K. Moregaaard, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen

    N Gundestrup, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen

    J. Johnsen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen

    A.W. Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen

    G. D. Clow, USGS, Denver

    N. Balling, University of Aarhus, Denmark

    Paul A. Mayewski et al., “Major features and forcing of high-latitude northern

    hemisphere atmosphere circulation using a 110,000-year-long glaciochemical

    series,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (1997): 26,345-26,356.

    Paul A. Mayewski, Loren D. Mekker, U. N>H>,

    Mark S. Twickler, University of New Hampshire

    Sallie Whitlow, University of New Hampshire

    Qunzhao Yang, University of New Hampshire

    W. Berry Lyons, University of Alabama

    Michael Prentice, University of New Hampshire

    Sharon E Nicolson, “The nature of rainfall variability over Africa on time scales of

    decades to millennia,” Global and Planetary Changes 26 (2000): 137-158.

    Sharon Nicholson, Florida State

    Henry Lamb, “Vegetation Response to Rainfall Variation and Human Impact in

    Central Kenya during the Past 1,100 Years” The Holocene 13 (2003):258–92.

    Henry Lamb, Institute of Geography and Earth Science, University of Wales

    Iain Darbyshire, Institute of Geography and Earth Science, Univ. of Wales

    Dirk Verschuren, Institute of Geography and Earth Science, Univ. of Wales

    Bettina Schilman et al., “Global Climate Instability Reflected by Eastern

    Mediterranean Marine Records during the Late Holocene, Paleogeography,

    Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 176 (2001): 157-76.

    Bettina Schilman, Geological Survey of Israel

    Miryam Bar-Matthews, Geological Survey of Israel

    Ahuva Almogi-Labin, Geological Survey of Israel

    Boaz Luz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    N/ Shaviv and J. Veizer, “Celestial Driver of Phanerozoic climate?” Geological

    Society of America 13 (2003): 4-10.

    Nir Shaviv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    Jan Veizer, University of Ottawa, Canada

    Hubert H. Lamb, Climate, history and the Modern World (New York: Rutledge

    1982), 191.

    Hubert H. Lamb, East Anglia University, UK

    Kang Chao, Man and Land in China: An Economic Analysis (Palo Alto, CA:

    Stanford University Press, 1986).

    Kang Chao, Tunghai University, China

    L. G. Thompson, T. Yao, “A High Resolution Millennial Record of the South Asian

    Monsoon from Himalayan Ice Cores,” Science Vol. 289 (2000) 1916-1919.

    L. G. Thompson, Ohio State

    T. Yao, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    E. Mosley-Thompson, Ohio State

    M. E. Davis, Ohio State

    K.A. Henderson, Ohio State

    P.-N. Lin, Ohio State

    Gerard Bond et al., “A Pervasive Millennial-Scale Cycle in North Atlantic Holocene

    and Glacial Climates,” Science, Vol., 278 (1997) 1257-1266.

    Gerard Bond, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, New York.

    William Showers, North Carolina State

    Maziet Cheseby, Lamont-Doherty Institute

    Rusty Lotti, Lamont-Doherty

    Peter deMenocal, Lamont-Doherty

    Paul Priore, Lamont-Doherty

    Heidi Cullen, Lamont-Doherty

    Irka Hadas, ETH, Zurich

    Georges Bonani, ETH, Zurich,

    Peter Almasi, Lamont-Doherty

    Gerard Bond et al., “Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate during

    the Holocene,” Science 294 (2001): 2130-2136.

    Gerard Bond, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, New York

    Bernd Kromer, Heidelbert Academy of Sciences, Germany

    Juerg Beer, Eidgenossische Anstalt fur Wasserversorgung, Switzerland

    Raimund Muscheler, University of Arizona

    Michael N Evans, University of Arizona

    William Showers, North Carolina State University

    Sharon Hoffman, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

    Rusty Lotti-Gond, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

    Irka Hajdas, Accelrator Mass Spectrometry

    Georges Bonani, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

    P. M. Liew et al., “Holocene thermal optimal and climate variability of East Asian

    monsoon inferred from forest reconstruction of a subalpine pollen sequence,

    Taiwan,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (2006): 596-605.

    P. M. Liew, National Taiwan University

    C.Y. Lee, National Taiwan University

    C.M. Kuo, Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Taipei

    L. Keigwin, “The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea,”

    Science Vol., 274(1996) 1503-1508.

    Lloyd D. Keigwin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

    Peter de Menocal et al., “Coherent High- and Low-Latitutde Climate Variability

    During the Holocene Warm Period,” Science Vol. 288 (2000) 2198-2202.

    Peter de Menocal, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

    Joseph Ortiz, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

    Michael Sarnthein, University of Kiel, Germany

    Frank McDermott et al., “Centennial-Scale Holocene Climate Variability Revealed

    by a High-Resolution Speleothem O18 record from SW Ireland,” Science Vol., 294

    (2001): 1328-13331.

    Frank McDermott, University College, Dublin

    David P. Mattey, University of London

    Chris Hawkesworth, Bristol University

    Maureen Raymo et al., “Millennial-scale climate instability during the early

    Pleistocene epoch,” Nature, Vol. 392 (1998) 699-702.

    Maureen Raymo, MIT

    K. Ganley, MIT

    S. Carter, MIT

    D. W. Oppo, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

    J. McManus, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

    S. Baedke and T. Thompson, “A 4,700-Year Record of Lake Level and Isostasy for

    Lake Michigan,” Journal of Great Lakes Research, Vol. 26 (2000): 416-426.

    Steve J. Bae

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