
With all the natural disasters now, are you more thankful for what you have?

by Guest57804  |  earlier

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With all the natural disasters now, are you more thankful for what you have?




  1. I have always been thankful for what I have, the most important thing is to be willing to part with it if the need arises.  Natural disasters being what they are, can strike anywhere at any time.  The question is are you prepared to handle the situation if it strikes you?

  2. and disgusted with all the excess i think i need

  3. I now think Mother Nature will destroy me next

  4. I think so, because when I learned more about what is going on our enviorment, i became somewhat a 'hippie.' I love the enviorment now. It's kind of like that old saying..

    "You don't know what you have 'till it's gone."

    Now that Earth's longevity is reaching a downfall so to say, I think I have become more thankful. [:

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