
With all the "haunted Items" people claim to have...have you ever heard of haunted junk yards?

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It seems like junk yards would be some of the most haunted places on earth. Has anyone ever heard of any? (especially the ones that have old cars) These haunted items can't last forever and eventually end up in someone's trash eventually in the junk yard.




  1. Oh yes, the Warrens the famous Paranormal Investigators collected quite a few of them. One that was a feature on a TV program "A Haunted" featured a doll that had become animated.

    That doll is now in a wooden box "under glass".

  2. I've heard Sanford and Son's junkyard is haunted by the ghost of Aunt Esther. :-)

    But seriously, haunted places tend to be spooky, old romantic buildings with lots of history.  Junk yards lack the character around which to build a haunted history.

  3. people usually get their "haunted items" from yardsales and stuff like that

  4. I don't really believe in haunted items...but my mind is open to anything.  I do believe in haunting though.  Not all hauntings are evil !!!

  5. I have heard of haunted antique stores and some people say that's just expensive old junk.

    I suspect a junk yard has a lot of activity and that people aren't likely to notice a ghost just like you wouldn't notice one (that looks like a normal person) at lunch hour in Manhattan walking down the street.

    Also, it is a well established fact that only skeptics own junk yards so any activity would not be reported and blamed on the dogs. Car levitating - Fido did it. Free floating apparition - Fido in the moonlight. Voices from nowhere speaking in proper Latin - That trespasser screaming out that Fido caught stealing.


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