
With all the troubles going on in Mindanao, how safe is it in the rest of the Philippines?

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I'll be in the Philippines for 10 weeks in the beginning of next year. I follow the news a bit on BBC news, and it seems like there is a lot going on right now.

How safe is it to travel through the Philippines, if I avoid Mindanao? For example, how safe is Palawan, regarding to the tourist kidnaps a few years ago?




  1. There are a few rules for Westerners to follow when visiting a 3rd world country:

    1. Don't wander alone to ANY area, regardless of whether you're in a hotspot or the supposed "safest" place in town without a companion you trust.  The classiest place in the country could be more dangerous to the foreigner than a warzone because foreigners tend to let their guard down and are much more likely to be taken advantage of.

    2. Never provoke ANYONE (raising your voice, showing disrespect, or showing demanding behavior) unless you think your life is in clear and present danger.

    3. Do not show overt friendliness (such as making too much eye contact), except to the person you are/plan to directly converse with.

    4. Dress and act like a local as much as possible.  If the temp is 38C and everyone is wearing thick pants and a long-sleeve shirt, there's probably a reason.

  2. this world is not safe!!! sorry to be a downer but i am scared even of the weather....stop watching the news maybe...too depressing and addicting    studies have proven people who watched too much news were more depressed than those who didn't..

  3. or you can go to Cebu.

  4. thank god Philippines is an archipelago, they can't easily reach any town coz they need to travel by water. It's pretty safe in Manila. The only thing you need to be aware of is the pickpocket... they are everywhere! Avoid Malate and some part's of Makati because it's considered as red light district.. they are so many scammers and lady-boy.

    Never ever go down south!  

  5. If feel you scary about the news in Mindanao, blame it to ABS-CBN or GMA because they were created the news, if there is no news from these stations people rest of the Phil I’m sure they remain calm.

  6. Makati - is quite safe - as there are loads of security guards everywhere - especially in the malls there.

    I'd avoid mindanao

    Make sure - you always lock your door in taxis - as a precaution.

    Try to act more like a local and less like a tourist and stay sober and you will be fine.

    Its a friendly place

  7. Manila is safe and Makati is the safest part of Manila.  Think of the safety declining as you distance yourself from this center of safety.

    Cebu is relatively safe and again think of the safety decling as you move out.

    This is probably true of every big city outside of cities in Mindanao.  The big city is safe but the safety declines as you move out.

    Western Mindanao is very very dangerous and if you go there you are putting yourself in jeopardy .  Eastern MIndanao  is also very dangerous.

    The problem is the unevenness of law and order once you leave the power and authority of the national government, strong in the large cities like Manila . Some smaller cities and  towns could be pefectly safe but 20 miles away it could be dangerous.

    I lived in Mindanao for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer  in the 70s when at least the east was relatively safe.  I went back  to Mindanao in the 90's while living in Manila for 5 years on business.  It was in retrospect a foolish thing to do . My (filipina ) wife and I are planning to go back for our anniversary . Even though our fondest memories are from Mindanao and Cebu , we will go to Manila only --for safety resons.  



  8. i'm an american so i can't know for sure,but i would think theres more dangerous places in the U.S and the U.K than most of mandanao,besides you can't let fear dictate your life!

  9. It is pretty safe to travel around as long as you practice street smarts. Palawan is safe right now but it may be unpredictable because it was not only a province that was included in the extended Memorandum of Agreement to be part of the jurisdiction the MNLF were going to managed but it's also near Mindanao (at least the Southern part of it)..

  10. "There's nothing to fear, but fear itself"... all you have to do is use your common sense to be safe... and if possible, be with someone who really knows the place you're going, tourist guide for example, or a friend... and also, try not wearing signature clothes and accessories, I mean, try to be simple, not fancy, it's a bait to hold-uppers and kidnappers...

    Palawan is relatively safe... it's very nice there too...

  11. Cebu City is a beautiful place to stay. In the City it is not so safe but if you stay in the village you'll be safe.

  12. it is only on Mindanao ,we here in Cavite were not affected by that.

    I'll tell you ,Palawan is a best place to stay , its so beautiful  

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