
With all these questions about what a "traditional woman" is supposed to be...?

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No one seems to be saying what a "traditional man" is supposed to be. Another poster said that, "a traditional woman is a woman who loves her family more than her career", as if women ("traditional" or otherwise) are only defined by their families. So, what is a "traditional man". Enlighten me.




  1. Is the traditional man, by definition, the reverse? Interesting question.

  2. It's interesting that you suggest that traditional women are defined by their families... I think family roles are a key part of the identities of both tradtional men and women. A strong emphasis is placed on doing the right thing by your family. Traditional women care for their children often by staying at home and spending time with them, and traditional men are caring for them equally by providing money for the family to live on. Having a career may be important for a traditional man, but only because it is a means to look after his family. It's not for personal gain... a traditional man would much rather be at home with his kids too, and he always puts them before himself. Just like the mother. So, different roles but same priorities.

    Edit: Ok, i'm confused. You said it's as if they're defined by their families.... I'm saying yes, they are. They choose to be.

  3. The traditional woman in my opinion has always been the house wife and the traditional man's the bread winner. But to be honest I think that that out look should change dramatically. The traditional family of now is a partnership of both man and woman providing for and catering to the family.

  4. The traditional man is head of household. His home is his castle, and as master of the house he is responsible for what happens under his roof. Part of maintaining a harmonious house is making sure that his wife and family are provided for, cared for, protected, and treated with loving respect.

    As head of household, the man cannot meet his responsibilities without authority. He sets the rules, and decides what is to be done when those rules are broken. Part of his role of protector includes protecting his wife and  family from *himself* by forgoing discipline if he feels he is too angry to trust himself not to hurt them. He must also know when to compromise, and when *not* to.

    This king is no tyrant. His role as leader is one of *service.* In making any decision, the man of the house must always bear in mind that his wife's comfort and feelings take the highest possible priority. He listens to her input and takes her point of view seriously, even though *sometimes* he has to make decisions she won't like.

  5. I think a traditional man is one that provides for his family, spends time with his kids, helps with some of the housework, keeps himself only for his wife, protects his family and takes pride in his work  

  6. traditonal men? The kind that cheat on their wives? Talk the talk but don't walk the walk?

  7. A traditional man supports his family, financially.

  8. A traditional man is one who takes pride in providing for his family and doesn't whine about how his wife should be out at work making money and not at home looking after the children.

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