
With all these questions about which is better....?

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I challenge anyone to list 2 features, the 360 has, that the PS3 does not. I can list at least 9 advantages the PS3 has.




  1. No 360 fanboy has answered because they can't, even the guy who said said that it has cheaper games is lying, ps3 games are $60 so are 360 games.

  2. i hate R.O.B. what an annoying f+cker. first of all the 360 does have in game music were you can listen to music while you play games but still listen to sound effects, i'm not sure if the ps3 has that. second the 360 has a larger fanbase. this isn't very handy by itself but chances are more of your friends have a 360 to play online with than a ps3. now this isn't really a feature i know. i really can't think of anything.

    i don't even ahve a 360. i soon will be getting my ps3 after i get paid but the ps3 is just a superior console, not by much, but it still is better. i'm not a fanboy of any console. i also have a wii but what R.O.B. said was just a lie. it would be nice to have him explain on the lies he has made. 360 fanboys wont answer because they would be put in a situation were there below you. they will only answer questions were they aren't targeted.

  3. I want to see what the ps3 has and the wii dose not I mean ps3 sucks compare to the mighty wii if you drop or even update you ps3 is might break but the strong wii if you throw it and update nothing would happen and the wii has

    motion scening

    good controllers

    fun gameplay

    best games

    has every type of game

    it not like the ps3 which only has shooters the wii has every type of game

    it really strong

    never over heats

    has Mario and Zelda

    it cheap

    but the crappy ps3 only has

    a crappy controller with crappy sixaxis

    it only sells as a blu ray player in not even a gaming system if it weren't for blu ray it wold be dead

    it has no games

    it a grill

    it ugly

    boring gameplay

    nobody wants it

    Sony lies on their gameplay

    and ps3 just sucks


    To Lp182 EDIT

    what I say was right and the ps3 dose break a lot and the ps3 is c**p so shut the h**l up



    EDIT to the the guy who use to be a fat shark

    your really stupid the wii is way better and IGN review sucks game trailers review  are way better and mario galxey the legend of zelda and super smash bros braw all got a higer rateing than lame MGS4 and most ps3 games have good graphics but really boring gameplay and ps3 only has first person shooters only that why the ps3 sucks

    EDIT to the pirate

    heres mario galex review it was 9.8

    heres The Legend Of Zelda it got 9.7

    but the stupied ps3 games such as MGS4 review got lower heres MGS4 review only 9.3 not nearly good as nintendo lets look at Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 8.9 HAHAHAHA A 8.9!!!it show nintendo has better games!!!

    Nintendo games got higer rateding meaning thier way better than ps3 games mario and the legend of zelda are more fun and better than stupid old MGS4 and other ps3 games AND you did not prove me wrong the game that nintendo mad got a higer rateding and yes ps3 suck don't  take the anger out on the wii for buying and wasting $400 or $500 on your stupid ps3

    Nintendo rules with communist aswell !!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. the PS3 plays blue-ray DVDs

    and has better graphics

  5. Oh great, Communist is back...

    And before you say what I'm 99% sure you're gonna say... My avatar with a guy wearing an eyepatch looks a lot better than an avatar with a crappy NES accessory that supported 2 games


    Motion Sensing doesn't make a game better, in fact, LOTS of Wii games don't even NEED motion-sensing, like SSBB, don't get me wrong, SSBB is a good game, but the Wii-Mote doesn't fit with that game if you know what I mean ( I like using the GC controller better, yes I've played it at a friend's house), are you saying that motion sensing automatically makes any game better? Remember Red Steel?

    Yes, the PS3's motion-sensing is kinda crappy, but I don't really care about using motion-sensing, that's just my opinion.

    "Crappy controller", ok, believe what you want, but you say everything about the PS3 is crappy yet you don't even give any feedback.

    Ever heard of Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Ratchet and Clank, Warhawk, and Resistance? All PS3 exclusives

    -MGS4 got a 10/10 from IGN, GameSpot, Gameinformer, and Gamepro

    -Uncharted got PS3 Game of the Year from IGN

    -Ratchet and Clank got a 9.4 from IGN, 9.25 from GI, and a 5/5 from X-Play

    - Resistance also got PS3 Game of the Year, not to mention a 5/5 from X-play ( which I believe you watch, as you said in your profile) and a 9.5 from GI

    - Warhawk got a 8.8 from IGN and a 8.5 from Gamespot

    Don't give me that c**p about "fake gameplay footage", cuz these games have been released already.

    Have you even played on a PS3? I've played on both the Wii and the PS3

    So, cheaper doesn't automatically mean better, the reason the PS3 is more expensive is cuz you GET MORE; the Blu Ray Player, Free online, etc.

    When will you understand? BLU RAY ISN'T JUST FOR MOVIES, every PS3 game is made on a Blu Ray disc, which means more disc capacity and potentially better graphics and sound

    It's not hard to develop for the PS3 anymore, if this was 2 years ago, you'd be correct, but unfortunately, it's 2008, get with the times.

    Don't believe me?

    Fake gameplay footage? Sony has never released "fake" gameplay footage, sure, Killzone 1 was a bit disappointing, but that doesn't mean the Gameplay footage was fake

    Just because you don't like the PS3, doesn't mean you can make lies about it

    "PS3 is ugly", ok, that's your opinion. But you've probably never even played on one based on your statements

    I never said the Wii was bad, I just like the PS3 better and that's my opinion, which you can't change

    And, yes, Sony did lose $6 Billion, but that's common in the industry to happen, Microsoft lost $20 Billion.

    And you have to know, Sony doesn't make money JUST off the PS3, they make lots of other electronics like cameras, TVs, etc.

    Don't even bother trying to call me g*y, cuz that'll just prove you can't say anything back

    Now I'd like to see you say something other than "well, uh, PS3 sucks" to counter this, if you can't give any feedback to support your answer then

    -just play your Wii

    -stop trolling Yahoo Answers

    -and be happy that you have a console you like.

    Gosh, people will troll about anything these days...

    Anyway hends, I can't list any, and to the guy who said 360 games are cheaper, um, unless you've never seen a PS3 game on a shelf, then you must know that BOTH 360 and PS3 games cost $60

    EDIT: Wow, you even avoided 90% of everything I said, which makes you even more pathetic than you already are, did you happen to not see the section where I said motion sensing isn't even needed and practically everything else below it?

    "Gametrailers reviews are better", Ok then, lets look at the scores for those games from Gametrailers then, and IGN wasn't the ONLY one I used, I used Gamespot and Gameinformer too

    MGS4- 9.3


    Ratchet and Clank-9

    Warhawk- 8.6

    Resistance- 9

    All from Gametrailers now, like you said

    What now? Gonna say that Gametrailers sucks now?

    I never said the Wii has bad games, I'm just saying the PS3 also has great games

    "MGS4 is lame", have you even played it? You're only saying it's lame cuz you can't come up with real reasons, MGS4 is one of the greatest games ever made, yes the graphics are great, but the GAMEPLAY is even better, there's just so many options you have; CQC, tranqs ( tranquilizers), lethal weapons, etc.

    "Most PS3 games only have good graphics and lame gameplay", you serious? All those games are some of the most action-packed games I've played, while you've never played ANY of them, so you can't say c**p about it.

    1. Actually Play MGS4, Uncharted, Resistance, R&C, or Warhawk

    2. Then we'll talk

    "PS3 only has FPS games"

    The ONLY FPS game I listed was Resistance, Ratchet and Clank is a platformer/ action game, Uncharted is an adventure game, MGS4 is a stealth-action game, and Warhawk is a flight combat game.

    Sorry, but YOU'RE the stupid one here, go ahead, say the PS3 sucks if you want, but you know I just proved you wrong 2 times, wanna make it a 3rd time?

    EDIT: Ok rob, believe that if you want, but

    1. For the 3rd time, I NEVER said the Wii sucked

    2. 9.3= Great rating

    3. I'm NOT trying to compare games, your argument was that "PS3 has no good games"

    4. You've NEVER even played those games, I've actually played BOTH SSBB and MGS4, while you've probably only played SSBB

    5. "You're taking out your anger cuz you wasted $400"

    This coming from the guy who trolls Yahoo Answers saying

    "PS3 sucks" and avoided almost everything I typed that proved you wrong

    6. Since when did politics become involved in this argument?

    I'm not even gonna bother anymore, you're just gonna avoid everything I type that proves you wrong ( such as the huge section regarding motion-sensing) and just say "lol, you're an angry biased fanboy" or "PS3 sucks"

    Once again, MGS4 got a 5/5 from X-play too, which I believe you watch? So did Resistance & Ratchet and Clank

    You're another person who only judges games by the score they get from ONE website, how does IGN suck?

  6. *360 has msn

    *game are cheaper

    there you go hope these helped XD

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