
With all this war going on, has anyone heard about a US Armada heading to Iran?

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I have seen some publication about a Armada heading to Iran. Is this related to Georgia/Russia conflict or is this prep. for a conflict with Iran? The build up of naval forces in the Gulf will be one of the largest multi-national naval armadas since the First and Second Gulf Wars. The intent is to create a US/EU naval blockade (which is an Act of War under international law) around Iran (with supporting air and land elements) to prevent the shipment of benzene and certain other refined oil products headed to Iranian ports. Iran has limited domestic oil refining capacity and imports 40% of its benzene. Cutting off benzene and other key products would cripple the Iranian economy. The neo-cons are counting on such a blockade launching a war with Iran.




  1. There has been Naval support in the Arabian sea since before the war in Iraq began, Georgia and Russia are thousands of miles away and may still have diplomatic solutions much like Iran still has diplomatic solutions!(threatening other countries is an ACT OF WAR UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW) if you feel that there is a multinational effort against you then maybe you should rethink your aggression towards others, maybe all the other countries are right and you are wrong, Benzene is a cancer causing agent that should be banned everywhere and if your government bases their entire economy on it that gives you further proof that your leaders have their heads up their ***

  2. No, the US 5th Fleet has been in the area for years. The 6th Fleet is in the Mediterranean and the 7th is in the Western Pacific & Indian Oceans. They are constantly on the move.

  3. One would really hope that it is not for a conflict with Iran. Russia are friends with the Iranians. The WORLD doesn't need it.

    Peace !

  4. There is definitely more going on. Remember, what the media covers isn't the extent of what is really happening, as you put it, behind the scenes. It's the job of anyone with enough motivation to do their own research into world events to see what else is going on besides, for example, John Edwards sleeping with another girl.

    These are things that have been placed deliberately to make your attention go elsewhere. I heard that this scandal with John Edwards had been known about for over a year but only came out now. Why? Could be because of the upcoming election. Or, it could be because the news needs to keep its stories rolling on things that have no purpose except to work as a distraction.

    Here's more info on your Armada:

    See you in Canada (or jail).

  5. Yes - and everyone focused on the current war it was a great opportunity. Something really is going on behind the scenes, this war was just part of a larger picture.

    You don't send Armada's without pre-planning. Kuwait were taking emergency measures as well, just in case. You've not mentioned that UK and French deployment alongside US. Nothing like that just happens.

    I also think current war with Georgia and Russia is tied up at some level. Bush administration and Israelis are without a doubt keen on attacking, lets hope military does keep it's opposition.  

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