
With an LCD projector TV what happens when the bulb wears out?

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Does it just blow like a normal household bulb or do you gradually lose picture and colour quality?




  1. Yes, eventually you will have to replace it.  But you cant get several thousand hours (10-15 years) from one bulb.  It's recommended that you have a technician replace it for you, but some TVs allow users to replace them rather easily, if you're comfortable doing this.

    Yes,  you will lose brightness and color saturation over time, but it is so gradual that you won't notice day to day.  You will notice a huge difference when you finally replace it.  You will realize how bad the picture got!

  2. To answer your question, it gradually loses brightness.  It will pop out at the end.

    I have a Sony LCD projection I bought third quarter of 2005.  The bulb is said to last about 7 or 8 years and the manual gives a do it yourself representation of replacing that bulb.  The replacement bulb is a model compatible to several sony lcd projection tv's around that time and it only costs $200.

    My plan is to maybe replace the bulb when the time comes, then sell it or give it to my parents, and then get the latest and greatest flat panel.

    OLED may become the next generation behind plasma, LCD, DLP....that's what I'm looking at.  I figure it will be that much time before OLED makes it prominently in the market 2012 to 2015.

  3. it will just blow after many thousands of hrs use then u can change it but they are very expensive,...

  4. LCD = liquid crystal display and acts almost exactly as the tube did in the old t.v's they are designed to last thousands of hours up to 10 - 15 years depending on use.

    Once they blow, then the bulbs/tubes cost more that the t.v is worth unless it is a brand new t.v worth more than a few hundred pounds.

    I must admit though i have never head of a projection lcd t.v as as projection t.v's usually have more of a plastic type of feel screen to them where as an LCD is more glass.

    Hope this helps

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