
With deck defeated D.D deck?

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best combo muka muka had 6 card is my hand only 300 lp and my opponent 2000 lp muka muka had 2400 had on my field the spell card ring of defense and ring of destruction my opponent had 2 face down and D.D survivor,used ring of destruction ring destruction and ring of defense and blast easy won.

I had a monster with 5800 attack Queens Double a Axe of Despair Mage power and megamorph...this deck may be weak but is well strong with good draw.




  1. side in 3 mobius the frost monarch on them to blow up there m/t that remove stuff

    3 dim fissure

    2 macro cosmos

  2. You do know Ring of Defense nails ALL the damage, not just damage to you. And your deck dies to any skilled deck. If you're not cheating, than "good draw" shouldn't have to win you games, versatility should.

  3. Huh i know what the answer is. I dont know what you talking about.

  4. you cant depend on muka muka and plus half your cards are banned. well cards to force out draws? jar of greed? precious cards from beyond? different Dimension Capsule? also check out my reply there i posted the banned, limited and semi limited lists.

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