
With direct tv and digital television, has the cable guy become obsolete?

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With direct tv and digital television, has the cable guy become obsolete?




  1. Verizon now offers FIOS (Fiber Optic Service). HDTV, faster than DSL Internet, etc. Not available yet on all areas.

    Cable companies are also switching to digital, or they have already.

  2. Ever tried to watch Direct tv in bad weather?? The cable guys is here to stay, unless new technology comes along.....

  3. It seems that way with DirecTV and Dish Network both having over 50 HD channels, but the cable industry is working on a new delivery system called Switched Digital Video which will make them competitive in the HD arena. It's being tested in some markets now, but it will be standard soon.

    Verizon's FIOS is going to force cable to take an even bigger step. With FTTP (fiber to the premisis) Verizon is poised to cream everyone. With FIOS you can get 15 mbps download speed for $39.99/month and you can get 30 mbps download speed for $149/month plus a boatload of HD channels. Cable can't touch that, and won't until they bring their fiber to the house.

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