
With everyone going green why haven't they brought back Captain Planet?

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With everyone becoming green and doing the environmentally sound thing why don't they bring back the original poster boy??




  1. "Captain Planet he's a hero, taking evil down to zero." That song is stuck in my head. I loved that show it rocked. I think the reason that they haven't brought back captain planet is that George Bush is a douche bag, he hates the environment and he has stained the government permanently. He would never ever in his life let people broadcast Captain Planet.  I really liked that guy who was from New York and had the ring that controlled fire of something. His name might have been Johnny or some thing, but he had orange hair and he was cool. The black African dude was cool to but anyway, blame the man for not recreating captain planet.

  2. Because he retired and left that job to Al Gore XD  j/k

    Really though, with the big corporations owning the media, I don't think you'd ever see such a show again.

    they'd say It encouraged "eco-terrorism" or some c**p

    in fact gone are all the shows of the 80's and even 90's that taught actual lessons and now all you see is swill full of f**t jokes and idiocy

  3. He's old oredi and he is retiring now.

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