
With everything thats going on between Russia and Georgia, will Israel soon be invaded?

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I've been reading an invasion by Russia and Iran would likely spark WWIII




  1. I believe that Israel will be invaded but not by Russia. Nor do I think it will be soon. I believe that it will happen and that an army greater than Russia's or Iran's will be the ones who attack Israel. That is what will start world war three.

    Russia like the states will be dragged into the war but the Russians will not be the cause of world war three.

    The spark for that is in the mid-east proper.

  2. WW3,is supposed to take place in the Middle East.All the prophets forscene it,all the books tell of it(Bible,Quran)Iran,and Russia will probably join forcesand try too destroy all Western interest.It won't happen,they will only bring havic upon themselves.

  3. Russia and those who hate Israel have been funding others to kill those people. Ever since it became a nation again. Israel can fight and win! They have the money and Nukes to take out Saudi Arabia. Iran will drive them down. Israel cant fight more then one country. But they are trying to stop them.  

  4. The Georgia - Russia conflict is just a minor skirmish.

    It's major effect will be to destabilize the region just a bit more.

  5. Russia can invade a small nation like Georgia and do what they want.

    If either Russia or Iran tried to invade Israel they would get their back sides toasted.  

  6. only if thei neighbors are fools enough to try again.

  7. I can't see them doing that any time soon! But maybe some day...

    Georgia is just a test. And well we've already failed and Russia is very happy about that!

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