
With fish can get along with Betta's(Siamese fighting fish?)?

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I have a betta just want a buddy to go with him




  1. if you have him in at least a 5 gallon tank you can add


    3 male platies

    3 pygmy cory cats


    3 male platies

    3 otocinclus

    in smaller tanks you're very limited

    if you have however a 10 gallon tank you can of course put more


    you can't put a clownloach in anything less then a 50 gallon tank

  2. Many fish do, but what you place with him depends on the size of the container.  If you have him in at least a 5 gallon container, a couple cory catfish would be ideal.  Cories actually do better in schools, but I've seen them do great singly.

  3. Male bettas are generally only territorial toward other male bettas.  They can be kept in community aquariums with almost any fish as long as they aren't nippy (that will go after the betta's long fins), or really showy (like big, bright guppies that might look like another male betta).   Good choices include minnows, livebearers, catfish.

    The bigger question is where are you housing your betta?  Not a lot of fish can tolerate living in a small bowl or unheated tank.  That might limit you to a few white clouds or danios.

  4. It really depends on your tank size.  I would not attempt to put a male betta in with some other passive tropicals unless you had at least a 15-20 gallon tank.  This will give him enough room to 'establish' his own territory.  You should also make sure the tank is densely planted and has hiding caves, they love this and it helps avoid conflict with tankmates.  Usually the reasons mixing male betta with other species fails is because there isn't enough room.

    Avoid semi-agressive or aggressive species like angels, gouramis, barbs, etc.  You can try some platies, smaller tetras, cory cats, etc.  Most passive tropicals will be fine.  However, avoid guppies because their tails can be mistaken for a baby male betta and they will get attacked.  

    If you go with tetras make sure you keep them in schools of at least 6 to avoid fin nipping of your betta.  

    Good luck : )

  5. If I was going to put 1 fish in with my Betta it would be a Clown loach depending on the size of your tank.

    Stay away from Barbs, Gouramis and most Tetra's because they will nip at him.

  6. if you have a male beta fish it is okay to put a female beta fish but DO NOT put two males together.  Usually beta fish are supposed to be by themselves. I think there is also a chance that it can live with goldfish. Although it has a 40% chance.

  7. There are a lot of fish that would be fine with your beta.  Unfortunately, there are no fish that your beta would be fine with.  You could put something simple in with him, like a guppy, but he will more than likely chase the guppy around until the guppy is dead.  Betas are fighters, and will attack any fish that you put in the tank with them.  I once put a beta in with my oscar.  The beta chased the oscar around the tank even though the oscar was much bigger.  Eventually, the oscar got sick of being chased and bit a big chunk out of the beta, ending his life.

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