
With football season starting tonight, why are there questions in this topic?

by  |  earlier

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C'mon, guys, it's football time! Let these boring boys of summer go!




  1. I only clicked this question becuase of your AWESOME avatar

    buuutttt, this is baseball, thats why

    if you want Football, go to football, did you get the memo?

  2. Because baseball isn't over didn't get the memo???

  3. Games haven't started yet.. I will watch the Eagles on Sunday but baseball season isn't over.

  4. Because the baseball season ain't over yet ?

    plus it's interesting coz the yankees are missing the playoffs and

    NE Patriots dont play yet  

  5. As George Will once said, football combines two of the worst elements of American society: violence and committee meetings.

    And what's better than September with your favorite baseball team in the playoff race?  

  6. I've got to agree with the first answerer. Football starts for me as soon as Week 1 for the New England Patriots starts.

    Don't talk Giants fans. Enjoy your championship. You won't get one for the next decade.

  7. no idea

  8. Who Cares

  9. im more interested in real sports.  

  10. Because the Jets don't play tonight and there is a big pennant race in both the AL and NL East, the NL West and the AL Central.

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