
With gas at a record $3.69/gal here, what are we doing to accelerate mainstreaming of alternative fuel cars?

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With gas at a record $3.69/gal here, what are we doing to accelerate mainstreaming of alternative fuel cars?




  1. Ha! I wish I was paying $3.69 a gallon. Here in Oz, we're paying $6.50, and in europe they're paying around $10. Economic demand will force this mainstreaming in response to these prices.

  2. nobody has money for celebrating

  3. In '09 Honda is releasing an inexpensive hybrid model!!

  4. i wish it was 3.67 here or watever.

    the gas prices are at 3.98 to 4.00 here

  5. $3.69? It's $4.19 for regular by my house in NY! I hope to buy a converted electric car in the near future.

  6. Only 3.69!!! tell me where you live and where your buying because its like 4.05 in Maine

  7. Starving poor people with corn based ethanol production.

  8. I don't know, but there seems to be some options available: electric; solar; ethanol  and I even heard of a car which runs on water.

    I don't know when "the powers that be" will decide it's time to switch to another type of fuel on a national level.

  9. The gov't has proven again and again that we cannot trust them to 'save us'. If we want to get out of this, we will have to do it ourselves. The only solution left to us is to join together into small ethanol co-ops. We can buy stills online, set them up on private land, and start cooking. As long as it's not drinkable, the IRS won't care. In fact, there is a gov't website that will help ppl do this legally.

    But corn growers are NOT taking food out of the mouths of the poor.

    Dramatically rising international corn price speculation has led to expensive tortillas.

    And who is profiting from these speculatory price rises? With all the noise the Media is making trying to blame U.S. farmers, maybe we should look at the owners of the media and their financial buddies. As usual, the real cause of financial strain can be traced to our 'overlords' in the financial district. They think they own us. And so long as we do nothing to disabuse them of the notion, they're RIGHT.

  10. $3.69/gallon is lucky. I am paying $3.94/gallon for standard unleaded.

    I think that if big oil is put out of business it would hurt some politicians and seriously skew trade.

    Alternative green fuels like hemp are demonized because of its cousin marijuana.

    I think America might wise up with the green movement, I can always hope.

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