
With gas prices nearing $4.00 a gallon...?

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How do you propose our country get a grip on this everlaating nightmare...

It's getting WAY out of control...

Who to blame ?

How can we stop the increase in fuel ?

Why don't we (America) use our own fuel here in the country ?




  1. In the order you asked:

    Try conserving energy.  Carpool.  Take public transportation.  Keep your car in tune.  Keep your tires inflated properly.  Plan trips so that you accomplish several errands on one trip.  Drive smaller, fuel-efficient cars.  Lower the thermostat in winter, and raise it in the summer.  Insulate your house.  

    Who's to blame?  Take your pick - people driving huge cars, trucks, and SUVs with one person in them?  Short-sighted government officials who don't enact a good energy policy?  Greedy OPEC countries that want to milk every last dime from their petroleum before it runs dry?  Terrorists that disrupt supplies to try to influence the world to listen to them?  Some of all of these?

    I assume you mean stop the increase in fuel prices.  The only way to do that is to increase the supply, or reduce the demand.  Go take a basic Economics class first to learn a bit about how this works.  Then go back to my first paragraph.

    And lastly - we do produce our own fuel here.  Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, Louisiana, and Michigan all have oil wells.  There are others off the coasts, too.  We just can't pump enough to satisfy our own needs.  Maybe we could open the ANWR area to drilling, but that would only be a temporary shot in the arm.  Also, it would take a couple of years at least to bring that online.  That won't help things now, and gas may get to $5 or $6/gallon by that time.

  2. go find a book called " The Prize"...its the history of the oil fact..[start yelling at me] the price of oil is not bad..i say that keeping in mind poor people will argue....about 1910 there was an oil were running out and it got to 2.50 a gallon...that's when people were making 20 dollars a month....of course that was whale oil...lucky fossil fuel came along

  3. When you squander a resource, it gets more costly.  Not only that, production will go down (not up) from here.  The squandering has to stop.

    You have no choice but to conserve.  Carpooling makes the most sense, for now.  If you're driving a truck that gets 12 mpg, then it's pretty easy for you to make a big change by driving something else, but if you're already driving a car that gets 30 mpg, then it's not that easy.

    P.S. This is not a nightmare.  At $5 a gallon, you probably pay $2000  a year for gas, per driver.  Not a big deal.  If you're payign more than that, you're probably just making dumb choices.

  4. In England it is £5.50 ($11.00) a gallon and we are still buying it so at $4.00 a gallon you have no chance of controlling prices. At $8.00 we would gladly buy all they had cos we would still be saving $3 at pump prices

  5. The Presiden'ts hands are tied in this matter.  It's up to the congress to do something positive.  And Hiliary C says she wants to halt the tax for the summer?  She's not even elected and she's spouting this kind of stuff.  

    Guess America is saving our own fuel until there isn't a drop left from other places.

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