
With gas prices said to be $6 by October, 2008, what will be some new modes of transportation for some?

by  |  earlier

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I for one may be riding my horse to work. Seriously, with this comming it would cost me $120 for just one fill-up. :-0




  1. I started taking the bus and subway once gas hit $3.50... my car is 8 years old and I am seriously considering not buying a new one once this one dies.

  2. funny you mention a horse. i was going to say the amish have this figured out. they don't care a whole lot about gas prices. but they do need fuel to farm though.

  3. in our community, golf carts are becoming very popular. not practical for commuting, of course, but great for a utility vehicle.

  4. City bus.Jogging.Riding your bike.Roller blading. But how would you take your horse to work?Would you tie it up there all day?

  5. wel A. quit allowing a small minority to push the energy agenda. With everything off limits, coal to oil, oil shale, ANWAR, east coast west coast exploration, is it no wonder gas is so expensive? While we send our wealth to the Arabs and the Chinese, we are killing our own economy here. There is NO solid science to prove global warming, in fact just the opposite is happening by NASAs own reports.2007 alone wiped out 100years it took to warm 1 degree. Any form of new transportation is at least 10 years from a reality, such as hydrogen cars. there is no infrastructure in place such as filling stations for either hydrogen or electric. In the mean time we should open every avenue to hold down the costs until other options can come on line. Environmentalists have blocked any new refining plants over the last 30 years. They have blocked the cleanest most in expensive form of energy, nuclear plants.  They have blocked any new dams used for clean water driven electricity.They have even blocked wind turbines because they take up too much space and are hazordous to birds!! If ya quit blocking business here in the US, American business will do as it always has, excelled and meet the demands of the future, but until you quit allowing this minority to drive policy, your gonna go broke folks, and you cant even afford hay for your horse because it takes energy to grow, bale and transport your hay folks!!

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