
With gas pries not going down, doesn't this mean I should get an electric car?

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People's lifestyles as you've known them for years will make a change in everyday life as you look all around you with how gas has now gotten high and will stay high-priced. You may "control your spendings", but you can't ignore the fact that people have always budgeted evern before gas was $2.00 a gallon, and some of these people just barely got as it is, now imagine those people now. And when you "control" your expenditures" even more like you tell everyone, you don't seem to understand that some people's businesses have stayed in business because people had that extra money left over from budgeting when gas was less than $2.00 a gallon, but now, those same people who still budget can't go to those places, and it has caused lay-offs and businesses to shut down. You seem to think "just control your spending" and it'll all work out, but you are forgetting places like coffee shops and kids who have to get laid off because of less customers. And don't say "walk or ride the bike", because when you need to go somewhere, you're being unrealistic, we don't have major speed bike lanes like Europe has, and you say they have gas at near $10 a gallon, they has bike lanes, and they have way more connected trains and subways everywhere than we have, so high gas prices hurt Americans more than Europeans.

Soooooo, with all that being said, there must be an alternative to get from Point A to Point B and still get there in the same period of time.

Electric cars, solar cars, nuclear cars, wind-powered cars, whatever,.. they must be an alternative if the economy is going to get back on its feet.




  1. There are alternatives; but, plugging in isn't it.  Look at the cost per gallon for gas, then look at the cost per kwh and the amount of kwh required to recharge.  Many who will reply are products of outcome based education; where they provide wrong answers but still feel good about themselves because it sounded good.

  2. I am partial to the electric car.  I drive at least 50 miles a day, so the technology doesn't work for me. If you only drive locally, you may have some options.  It won't be until about 2010 till we get some good commuting cars for long highway driving.

  3. electric vehicles make sense. they are most efficient for the short trip driving most of us do every day. take a look at EV Canada's site and see what is and going to be available. remeber, the electric motor has only one moving part, the internal combustion engine has many.

  4. electric car is the way to go

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