
With gas so high are you driving less, more careful or don't give a hoot?

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I find myself sayng I don't need that now and just waiting to do stuff to conserve.






  2. I live 25 miles from work now, so I really don't have any other option than to not give a hoot.

  3. I'm definitely driving less.  While I'm not in a position to give up my car completely yet, I am definitely more careful in planning out my trips to try to get all of the errands lined up efficiently.

  4. I am driving less. It's pretty sad when people have to use what they earn just to get back to work, but have to leave any "unnecessary driving" behind! Kind of makes you feel like you're on house arrest! (or work release!)

  5. Yeah I guess I have subconsciously been that too. Seeing the pump keep rolling past $55 freaks me out. Pretty soon they will have to have a loan dept at the gas station.

  6. I am always trying to drive less.  Cars are too costly a creation to deal with.    



    3.Repairs and regular maintenance

    4.Monthly Payments (if not paid in full)

    Add all that up and I am sure the monthly avg. cost of a vehicle is upwards of $500-$700.

    Crazy man, Crazy!

  7. Hey, yes w/rising gas prices, we all must do what we have to conserve.  My husband and I just bought a 2007 Ford Focus Sedan, love it, we traded in a 97 Jimmy SUV 4-wheel drive, gas hog just to let u know, anyway came w/a full tank of gas, have driven all over the place in FL, only been 4 days and haven't given much thought to gas prices, except driving by, although w/Jimmy SUV, use to worry if we were goin to get there w/out getting gas 10 miles up the road....................................... a car that's fuel economized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. don't give a hoot

  9. No different than usual- i've always tried not to use much fuel.

  10. -i am driving more sluggishly (more like a grand-pa) to save accelerations (gas)

    -i combine ever more errands on the same trip (i manage 5-10 errands per trip using a dedicated to-do list)

  11. I retired last march, and I'm doing about the same, live in the mtn's go to town once a week, I'm lucky, we have a grocery store, 4 blocks from our house, and a post office, dr.s office pharmacy, video rentals etc. its 7 miles to town, but I have always keep pretty much stocked up, especially in the winter, I do not like to drive in the snow. if the price of gas gets any higher, I have a cart and I''ll just walk to the store, wish I still had my horse!!!!!

  12. Don't give a hoot. Gas is so cheap compared to my house payment, property taxes, and even food. My family of 4 spends WAY more on food than gas. And I really have no options. I work 12 miles from home, and the nearest bus stop is 5 miles away. My co workers either live more than 12 miles from me or work a different schedule. The nearest grocery store is over a  mile away, so I COULD walk to that, but I can make 100 three mile round trips on 10 gallons of gas with my Honda Civic, so it hardly seems worth walking. 300 miles walking would take 100 hours or more and only save me $30! I would gladly pay $30 to avoid walking 300 miles.

  13. I think about my driving and try to do everything in one trip and also plan the trip so I don't go back over the same area. once you start doing that it just becomes a normal thing and doesn't really take to much effort.

  14. Motorcycles, I may spend 12$ gas a week doing the work thing.

  15. Don't care.  Gasoline is actually not that high.

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