
With gorilla gone, will there be any hope for man?

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With gorilla gone, will there be any hope for man?




  1. Well, they're not gone.  But if they DO go, it is because they were out-competed by man.  It's called "survival of the fittest".  The loss of the Gorilla is sad indeed, but will not affect the health of the human race.

  2. gorilla not gone yet!

  3. You mean King Kong? I think "man" hopes for a sequel.

  4. What are you referring to? What gorilla? And where is the gorilla going? Is it becoming an extinct species? And what does the survival of the gorilla have to do with us as human beings? Do you mean that if the gorilla can become extinct from the earth, then so can man?

    Well if that's the direction of your question then what I can say is that yes man is already destroying the earth with all the abusive pollutants in whatever form and the rapid depletion of the natural resources beyond a rate of natural-replacement, and not to mention all the violent acts upon each other as humankind; but who's to say a comet won't wipe us out of existence just as likely as weapons of mass destruction might?

    I think the gorilla got the easy way out!

  5. Yes, there is hope. Humans will not go extinct so easily.

  6. It depends on how many animals the people wipe out for there own selfish needs.

    just be glad for technology and guns or  we will only be nothing more then an weak annoying insect. even tho strangely they are stronger in ways, but in a smaller form.  with the endangering of one spices always leads to another then another. more, but a few will make it, man is finished if we dont wise up. from killing each other over resources land and stupid stuff.

  7. What's 'Gorilla Gone'? Sounds like a pest repellent. I didn't realize that gorillas were problem animals.

    I suppose gorilla repellent would work on people, so no one tell my wife about this stuff. Whenever she gets mad at me, she calls me a dumb gorilla, and calls me hopeless. So, apparently, the answer is NO.

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