
With high gas prices are Americans using scooters or motorcycles yet?

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Or still driving the SUVs?




  1. Well justthef, It seems the price has finally got some of us to pay attention. Last year someone in the know said it would take $4.00 a gallon to do that. Scooter sales have jumped quite a bit and the Toyota Prius has just went over 1 million sold. Half in the USA alone. Or was that Honda? And the waiting line is getting longer every day. Honda is coming out with another version. Sales are that good.  SUV owners are a die hard bread but evidently most will convert if fuel stays high and goes higher. It's like the old parable about the frog in the kettle of hot water. It gets hotter and hotter but the frog doesn't want to jump out yet...........Until he can't. Lots of the SUV owner will have a compact in the drive way and an SUV in the back with a cover over them.

  2. all the motorcycle dealers I know are sold out of scooters

  3. I own a relatively small 4 passenger car.  I never owned or will never own an SUV.

    I ride my motorcycle whenever the weather permits.

    I know a local scooter dealer in a small nearby town.  He sold 15 scooters last week.  Norway Michigan, population 2900.

    You are mis-informed.  Not everyone in the U.S. drives an SUV or truck.

  4. Some of us are using our feetsies more.

  5. I asked the same ? here a day or two idea was to get the government to encourage it by having no sales tax on bikes ( say under 750 cc) or free plates etc.  People just gagged!!!  Bottom line, it hasnt soaked in with most Americans yet that the days of cheap gas are over.  Can you imagine getting some soccer mom in here SUV to take the bus to  the game!!!  OH GOD THAT WOULD NEVER DO!!!  LOL  Another problem is people's inattention.  Americans are used to not paying attention while driving.....cell phones, kids in the back seat, singing along to the radio, all things people do and dont pay attetenion for bikes when driving.....

  6. Still the SUV's, mostly.  Although a lot of people cry and whine a lot, most poeple only pay $200 or $300 a month for gas.  That's not enough to justify changing a whole lot.  If you buy a car that cuts that in half, that'll give you $100 a month to spend on a car and break even.  That won't work.

    There are certainly people on motorcycles more, but it's mostly people that had them already, they just decide more often to ride them.

    P.S. You can take a family on a scooter, no problem.  The most I've seen overseas on a scooter has been 5.  Mom and Dad and 3 kids.

  7. i hear pilgrims are startin to ride great danes

  8. People are starting to buy scooters.. we are selling them as fast as we can get them. Put 4 on the lot and all 4 sold the same day and have orders for more.

  9. Motorcycle dealers for the most part are all selling some form of scooter. And also Motorcycles too. The SUV sales in the US is bottoming out.

  10. Not yet but we are decideing on who's @ss to kick next.

  11. I doubt it. Cars are the most practical form of transportation. Most Americans cannot use scooters or motorcycles because they have a family. Imagine getting your 2 or 3 kids to school on a scooter/motorcycle! Haha. Or getting to work in a suit/dress with a scooter or motorcycle.

    Single people, especially young people, should use bicycles when they can to get around. It is eco-friendly and good exercise.

    With high gas prices, people may just drive a little less, but cars and SUVs are always going to be on the road, so there will not be a decrease in automobile rates. People will just look for more fuel-efficient cars, like a hybrid or something.

  12. Carpooling.  I've been carpooling on my 50 mile one way commute for oer a year now. Used to get one passenger. Now I have 4. And several others looking for carpools on the same route.

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