
With home pregnancy tests it says 7-10 days after conception can it be more then 10 days after ?

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i got a home pregnancy test but its been 13 days after not 10 and im worried its not going to work properly because it says 7-10 days after




  1. with most pregnancy tests its better to wait longer... 7-10 days usually means thats the earliest you can take it and it will be able to detect the doesn't mean that after 10 days you can't get a correct test result! good luck! baby dust for you!!!

  2. 5 days before your missed period or the day of your period etc.......

  3. yeah you can take a pregnancy test when your 8 months pregnant.

    it just says that because some people want to do it a little bit earlier and it has to be 7 to 10 days to give the body chance to make pregnancy hormones that detect pregnancy.

    Actually the later you leave it the best the result will be.

    Its also a good indication to take it 3 or 4 days after a missed period.

  4. Yes, it can be more than ten days after and the test will definitely work ... the concentrations of hormone that it is testing for doubles each day after conception ... so, there will only be a higher concentration the longer you leave it :-)

  5. it just means it will work more accurately if you wait at least 7-10days after conception but you can take it any time longer than that. The longer you leave it the more accurate your result will be because your body has had time to build up the HCG levels that the test is trying to detect.

    I waited till a week after my period was due all three times and that way I got a BFP straight away and wasn't playing the guessing game because I took the test too early.

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