
With hunting season now approaching what do you look forward to?

by Guest62289  |  earlier

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With hunting season now approaching what do you look forward to?




  1. killing stuff, shooting stuff, eating stuff, and being out in the outdoors.

  2. The birth of my second Son in December. I am building my own huntin' club and now all I need is the property!

    The things I look forward to:

    - The sound of stuck sow in the morning

    - That "Oh S**t" moment when the coyote realizes I ain't a rabbit

    - The sound of a drag rope stretching cuz I got a giant doe on the other end.

    - That "thunk" sound a squirrel makes when he falls from the heavens

    - The smell of a freshly primed meathouse

    - Hog jowls

    - 3 days of cold weather hunting in Cohutta

    - Making my own bullets

    - Tanning a few hides

    - Testing out my newest 7.62X54R bayonet on porky pig

    - No cell phone coverage

    There is lots more but I gotta get back to work.

  3. Actually I am looking forward to going out for the first time...My pastor just took me on a quick scouting trip and next week I start buying all my equipment...I am stoked! I am looking forward to it.

  4. The anticapation and excitement of another Hunting Season.*

  5. While I hunt, I tend to take the time and reflect upon...everything. I find hunting is relaxing, yet exhilarating. Mind you, I'm like all the others and I want to fill up my freezer with some venison as well, but I truly enjoy outdoors.

  6. The serenity and peacefulness of the woods without all the noise and distractions of cars, cell phones, email ect. Also spending more time with good friends and family recapping the past years activities. Some of them I don't see till hunting season. And all the new hunters beaming with pride standing next to their quarry.  

  7. Re filling my freezers with Dove, Quail, Duck, Hog (too wormy to hunt in the summer), venison and gator (if I get a tag).

    Bruising the cra# out of my shoulder on opening day of dove (20th)

    Daughters first deer, she did not get one last year

  8. Family time

  9. Cold weather, getting away from work and the wife, being outside and sharing it all with my son  

  10. I can't wait to harvest my first wis. black bear.

  11. Looking forward to getting out into the bush and away from the regular grind.

    Good Hunting...

  12. Backstraps and loin.

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