
With hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, what impact will that have on America's economy?

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Understandably, they are not a world power...not even close. But with a country printing billion dollar bills because prices are astronomical, what impact, if any, will that have on the United States' economy?




  1. None. The money will become more and more worthless against the dollar, more and more worthless within their own country until, if the paper is of high enough quality, the people will turn it into cloths, hand bags and the like.

  2. Yes, because if it continues we will have to send food to Zimbabwe.  For the guy that made the statement about blacks running a country,  what about South Africa, Nigeria, Botswana and other African nations that continue to flourish.

  3. Our borders will look like ZULU DAWN!

         (Google it if you don't know what I mean!)

  4. it just goes to show you that blacks cannot run a country properly. and to think, a "black" (he isnt fully black but has a black mentality) is going to be the united states president, unbelievable. zim 2 (usa)

  5. Absolutely none.

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