
With its strong showing at the Beijing olympics, is China making a bold/power statement to the world...?

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Country Gold Silver Bronze Total

1 United States 14 12 17 43

2 China 22 8 6 36

3 Australia 5 6 8 19

4 South Korea 6 7 3 16

5t Russia 3 8 4 15

5t France 2 7 6 15

7t Germany 8 2 3 13

7t Italy 6 4 3 13

9 Japan 5 3 3 11

10t Britain 2 2 3 7

10t Netherlands 1 2 4 7

10t North Korea 1 2 4 7

13t Ukraine 2 0 4 6

13t Cuba 1 3 2 6

15 Hungary 0 4 1 5

16t Azerbaijan 1 2 1 4

16t Romania 1 1 2 4

16t Switzerland 1 0 3 4

16t Kazakhstan 0 2 2 4

16t Armenia 0 0 4 4

16t Brazil 0 0 4 4

22t Czech Republic 2 1 0 3

22t Georgia 2 0 1 3

22t Zimbabwe 0 3 0 3

22t Sweden 0 2 1 3

26t Mongolia 1 1 0 2

26t Slovakia 1 1 0 2

26t Finland 1 0 1 2

26t Spain 1 0 1 2

26t Algeria 0 1 1 2

26t Austria 0 1 1 2

26t Kyrgyzstan 0 1 1 2

26t Norway 0 1 1 2

26t Turkey 0 1 1 2

26t Belarus 0 0 2 2

26t Chinese Taipei 0 0 2 2

26t Indonesia 0 0 2 2

38t India 1 0 0 1

38t Thailand 1 0 0 1

38t Colombia 0 1 0 1

38t Slovenia 0 1 0 1

38t Vietnam 0 1 0 1

38t Argentina 0 0 1 1

38t Bulgaria 0 0 1 1

38t Croatia 0 0 1 1

38t Denmark 0 0 1 1

38t Egypt 0 0 1 1

38t Lithuania 0 0 1 1

38t Mexico 0 0 1 1

38t Tajikistan 0 0 1 1

38t Togo 0 0 1 1

38t Uzbekistan 0 0 1 1

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  1. china is showing that if you take a child from its parents at avery young age, put him/her in a training school and allow nothing else but training,  the child can be moulded into doing whatever is required. this has been shown on tv documentaries  in the past. it happens a lot in china . im sure the medal winners will be pleased with their success but i bet all of them wish they could have had a normal life.

  2. Yes definitely. From the opening ceremony, to their success in the games. They are certainly making a powerful statement to the world. Don't mess with the Chinese.

  3. you bet ye, and what adds injury to insult, they are doing it with 10 year old boys and girls.

  4. Yes, I think they are proving to the world that they are a strong force that can work together as one. Don't think I'm trying to take away from that, but I have seen a couple instances where the judges STRONGLY favored china in scoring. I also know that the judges come from all around the world so maybe they favor china just because they are the host. But this is just my opinion, either way they are doing better than ever before.

  5. Not really since they already had success in Athens 2004. China and US. They are the two medal-getters and this year Russia just plain sucks.

  6. OK.

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