
With life insurance what consists of accidental death?

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I guess I don't know much. But what would life insurance determine as accidental death? Thanks. Netty




  1. Death by accident in most cases.  If you have a Accidental Death and Dismemberment policy, get rid of it.  If it is added to an existing policy, what's 2-3 bucks a month.

    Ex: You get involved in a car wreck.

    Option A: Die at the scene...It's an accident.

    Option B: Die on route or at hospital....No accident.  Death by complications.

  2. Any other cause other than natural. Some policies have a 2 yr. "suicide" clause in them and they WILL NOT pay out the face value of policy only return prem. pd. .

  3. read insurance policy that has that for example!

  4. Oh, like when you walk down the street and a piano drops on your head.  Or you are in a fatal car accident, where the accident is what killed you (if you have a heart attack, and that kills you, and causes the accident, it's not covered).  

    Anything that's sudden and accidental - not murder, not anything health related.  No strokes, heart attacks, etc.

  5. i think these are good site for insuance and insurance company details you find your answer

  6. The answers, above, are good.

    One salient point that causes confusion:

    If you are on a metal ladder and a power line falls toward the ladder, you have a choice.

    If you stay on the ladder and are killed, your death is covered.

    If you jump off the ladder, then it is your choice to do so.  The policy may have an exclusion for conscious actions undertaken by you.  

    Then, as stated above, if you stay on the ladder and a 'prudent man' would have jumped, the company could say you committed suicide.

    Unlikely, but slightly possible.  Almost all companies will pay your heirs as it is 'accidental' even though you made the conscious decision to stay or jump.

    Lawyers enjoy creating havoc.  So, if you are a lawyer, please stay on the ladder.

    Personally, I think it is better to jump.  But my decisions are not always good.  I have voted for liberals.

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