
With many regulars leaving the SA Section...?

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Aren't there some you just wish would?

kfk - has got to be the most irritating, mindless idiot - his answers are pure garbage and while trying to convince us of his superior intellect he just confirms what we already have gathered – that it is a miracle he ever came down from the trees and can actually walk upright...

He should go and play with his dinky toys in the sandpit and leave us in peace...

While I always enjoy a bit controversy – it’s always pleasant when this backed up with a bit of wit or at least the use of A brain cell....

Am I being too harsh on the BOY or are there others who feel his presence is just irritating?




  1. No, he is certainly an immature child who has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of South African history and politics other than a deluded interpretation of such history and politics in accordance with his ANC indoctrination into rewritten history and lies, as well as interpretations in accordance with his limited African IQ and crass stupidity.

    Regulars come and go, I have seen literally hundreds, don't worry too much about that.

  2. kfk is a doos and I wonder if he can even read considering that he is so unaware of the facts within SA!

    Even I know more about SA and what's happening and I was not even born there! If anyone should leave it should be that racist pig!

  3. Just keep reporting him, eventually they will kick him off.

  4. Kfk stands for : ''kry f@kken klaar !''

    I agree with all of the obove . His history that he came up with was hillariously f-ed up !

  5. Who is Kfk?? I usually ignore honde drolle when I go for a walk, the same with him........

  6. Nope i agree with you

  7. I have always and will always enjoy good debate and kfk just can not do. All I have seen to date is criticism and nothing constructive at all. Compared with Zim, he is a nothing and the only word that comes to my mind for him is - MORON. Dinky toys for him, NO, he does not know what to do with it. You are not too harsh and he does irritate me as well.

  8. I was actually stupid enough to believe him when he made that apology to everyone. Didn't take him long to begin his nonsense again.

  9. White boy am not going to sit down and see you damaging my country thats criminal. I will never leave you cant see me.

    i am here fck up ur lives.

    i will fck ur perfect white lives up untill you stop saying **** about South africa

  10. Ag some people have nothing better to do with their time.What type of name is kfk anyway?

  11. Don't get me started on "kfk"! What a total dweeb! One could make a funny name using the "kf" and adding the first vowel, a double "f", as well as the third vowel!

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