
With more and more Americans spurning religion everyday,do you think there will ever be a Republican President

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  1. Once Bush sort of fades away from people's minds. People assume Republicans are worse than they are because of Bush.

  2. First, you start off with a false premise. All studies show that Americans are as religious as ever. Secondly Republicans and religion do not necessarily belong in the same category. Some prominent religious figures who are very vocal give that impression and it is reinforced by the media because anything controversial they say makes good headlines. Both Clinton and Obama are longtime active members of Christian churches. Historically both Republicans and Democrats have been dominant for periods of time but the other one always came back. So yes there will almost certainly be another Republican president sooner or later

  3. I think religion is really growing in AMERICA, and the republicans are the only hope we have to all live in peace. Family values and morals mean more to me than letting the public run rampet with homosexuals , yea I said it, HOMOSEXUALS, and others with a bladent disregard for respect and dignity run our beloved country we have fought so hard for into to ground. My father, god rest his soul raised me as a democrat, and then I grew up and seen what the party was about. Is worst now than ever.The "dems" want the government to control every aspect of our lives.Cant you see the government controling our health care, LMAO, you think you stand in lines now. OMG, And someone like Obama, thats all we need, a muslim at heart but under the table,controling a christian AMERICA. Get for real,his nomination would for sure elect a republican.

  4. Religion really has little to do with being a Republican.

    And I certainly hope not.

  5. The next president will be republican. American won't vote for a woman or a black man.

  6. Republicans too have been dropping out of the ranks of true believers.  It is not a religion brand.

    We also note that Democrats give some lip service to religion to avoid a religious back lash, so we could have a couple of pretending Christians, one on each side, and a Republican might still win.

    Just as a few years ago nobody could imagine a woman or a black man seriously vying for the presidency, in a few years we could see a Muslim or a Muslima win the crown.

  7. I have no doubt of it.  You don't have to be religious to believe that the Republican candidate is better than the Democratic candidate, any more than you have to be atheist to think the Democrats are better than the Republicans.

    With the way the current Presidential campaign is shaping up, I even think there's an excellent chance that a Republican will be elected as President this year.

  8. Yes, when  society become so f*cked up that Americans finally realize socialism as favored and practised by Democrats have been proven bankrupt in Europe in past decades, and is the main cause of their problems, they will vote Republicans into office like there is no tomorrow.

  9. Why should they?

    Knowing the mess out there.

    One can't have one without the other.

    All they need is to follow it up with the missing link.

    We can't blame anyone for the errors created back in the past without anyone being aware of it.

    Just continuing with what they had learned and mastered.

    Until we can correct the mess out there.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,

    What do you think?

  10. We have had plenty of republican presidents and we will have plenty more.  I do no think religion has anything to do with electing a president.

  11. What does spurning religion have to do with whether the president is a Republican or Democrat? Despite what some people seem to think, GOP doesn't stand for "God's Own Party".

  12. Ummm...the current pres technically is...

  13. maybe, but certainly no muslims

  14. I think religions and churches are seeing growth in the past few years.  Look at all of the new publications in religion.  I believe Mike Huckabee is the most popular and likeable candidate out there and he is a minister.  My view is that people are becoming more accepting of religion in general, seeking spiritual paths, and enjoying the company of people from different cultures.  Great question!

  15. My question would be to ask if there be a Republican Party after Nov. 2008. Remember the Whigs?

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